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360 Sextet A Countess From Hong Kong A. & Vale A.G. & Giombini A.R. Aaron Aaron & Szpirglas Aaron & Various Abba Abel Abels Abril Ackerman Acree Adam Adams Adapted Elmer Bernstein Adderly Adderly/Evans Addinsell Addison Adler Adolph Adolph & Kaper Adolph & Previn Adonis Adrian Adu & Travers Aesop Rock Agatha Akira Akira & Various Al Alain Alain & Rocle Claude Alan Alan & Ahrens Alan & Ashman Alan & Fahey Alan & Isfalt Alan & Marilyn & Goldenberg Alan & Marilyn & Various Alan & Pomeranz Alan & Rice Alan & Schwartz Alan & Slater Alan & Various Alan & Zippel Alan Jay Alban Alberic Albert Alberto Albright Aldolfo Alejandro Alejandro G. Alessandro Aletras Alex Alex (film version) Alex (Goldsmith recording) Alex (subject of book) Alex & Antheil Alex & Deutsch Alex & Dialogue Alex & Goldsmith Alex & Newman Alex & Robertson Alex & Rosenstock Alex & Rosenthal Alex & Steiner Alexander Alexander & Fried Alexander & Various Alexander & Williams Alexandra & Cobo Alexandre Alexandre (subject) Alexandre & Lang Lang Alexandre & Pope Alexandre & Various Alexandre & Zigman Alexandre Desplat Alexis (piano) Alf & Various Alfano Alfie Alfred Alfred & Friedhofer Alfred & Herrmann Alfred & Kaplan Alfred & Korngold Alfred & Lionel Alfred & Mockridge Alfred Apaka with the Hawaiian Village Serenaders Alfred et al. Alice All seasons are normal DVD packaging except S8 Allaman Allfred Allyn Alpert Altman Alvin H Alwyn Aman Folk Orchestra Amano Amarante Amenabar Amfitheatrof Amin & Posner Amram Amy Ancient Mariner and his Orchestra Anderson Anderson-Lopez André André (subject and author of book) André (subject of book) Andre & Classical André & Littell Andre & Williams Andre cond. Gershwin André Previn and his Pals André Previn and his Pals (Shelly Manne & Red Mitchell) André Previn and his Pals Shelly Manne & Red Mitchell André Previn's Jazz Trio André; Finck André; Lowe André; Perlman Andrea Andrea & Wurman Andreas Andrew Andrew Lloyd Andrew Lloyd and Various Andrew Lloyd; Steinman Andrews Andsnes Andy Andy & Budd Andy & McDowell Angel Angel Jr. Angela Angelo Angelo & Various Angelo F. Angelo Francesco Anka Ann Anna Anna Netrebko and Various Anne Anne-Sophie Annette Ansermet Antheil Anthony Anthony & Trapanese Antoine Anton Anton Garcia Antonín Antonini Antonio Antonio Pappano Antonio Perez Antonoff Apaka Aram Arcade Fire & Karen O. Arensky Aretha Ari Arkenstone Arlen Armstrong Arnaud Arni Arnold arr. Hayton arr. Lanny Meyers arr. Leonard Rosenman Art Pepper + Eleven Arthur Arthur & Stravinsky Arthur B. Arthur Lyman Group Artie Arturo Aruj Arvo Asakawa Asbjornsen Asche & Spencer Aschueru Ashkenazy Ashton Astley Atli Atmajian Atreyu Atticus Audissino Auric Austin Autopsy Autry Ayer B.J. Bacalov Bach Bacharach Backbeat Band Bacon Badalamenti Badelt Bain Bainum Bakaleinikoff et al. Baker Balfe Ball Ballamy Banana Splits Band Bang Banos Barbara Barber Barbieri Barbra Barker Barney kids album Barnum Barr Barraud Barri Barrington Barrington & Various Barron Barry Barry & Mallett Barry & Various Barry & Wadsworth Barry et al. Bartek Barth Bartók Bartok & Hindemith Barton Bartram Basil Basil (subject) Basil & Various Basil & Zimmer Bass Bassinson Bassman Bates Batiste Bátiz Batt Battle Baumbauch Bax Baxter Bay Brass Bazelon Beach Boys Beal Beamer Bear Beatles Beatles cover versions Beau Hunks Beau Hunks & Scott Beck Beckerman Beckmann Bee Gees Beethoven Beiderbecke Bela Belafonte Belatrami Bell Bella Belling Bellis Beltrami Beltrane Ben Ben & Barrow Ben & Foster Benito Benj & Paul Benjamin Benjamin & Danna Benjamin & Gold Benjamin; Walton Bennet Bennett Bennie & Various Benny Benny Goodman and His Orchestra Benoit Benoit & Groulx Bensi Bepler Berg Bergeaud Bergman Berlin Berlioz Bernard Bernard (cond. James Sedares) Bernard (cond. National Philharmonic) Bernard (new recording) Bernard (new recordings) Bernard (spoken interview) Bernard (subject) Bernard & Bernstein Bernard & Del Tredici Bernard & Friedhofer/Newman/Waxman Bernard & Moross Bernard & Newman Bernard & Shire & Gold Bernard adapt. Laurie Johnson Bernard; Stromberg Bernardo Bernie Bernstein Bert Bert & Dunlap Bertelmann Besoyan Best Betawi Betrock Bette Betty Beverly & Kostelanetz Bhatia Bick Bill Bill & Holdridge Bill & Various Bill Evans Quintet Bill Evans Trio Bill; Hall Billie Billy Bilous Bing Bingham Bird Birenberg & Robinson Bishara Bix Bizet Bjerkreim Bjorn Black Blair Blake Blake & Chan Blanchard Blige Bliss Bloch Blondie Bloom Blume Boardman Bob Bob & Fox Bob & Ray Bobby Bobby & Johnson Bocelli Bock Bolling Bonezzi Book and Candle Book to Box Set Boris Borodin Boswell Boublil & Schönberg Boulez Boulton Bource Bournemouth Symph Orch/Ron Goodwin Bowers Bowie Boyer Boyle Brad Bradley Braheny Brahms Bramson Branford Brant Braudy Breaking Benjamin Bregovic Brendan G Brent Brett Brian Brian & Constant Brian & Elfman Brian & Various Brian & Yoecker Bricusse Bridge Bridges Bright Brightman Brigitte Brion Britell Britten Bromfman Bronislau Bronislau & Radic Bronislau & Steiner Bronislau & Villa-Lobos Bronislau et al. Bronislau/Previn Brook Brooke & Blair Brooks Brosse Broughton Brown Brubeck Bruce Bruce & Bramson Bruce & Debney & McNeely Bruce & Various Bruce and Various Bruce; Davis Bruckner Bruno Bruns Bruns & Lawrence Bryan Bryan & Zimmer Bryan Ferry Orchestra Bryce & Inarritu BT BT (Brian Trenseau) Buck Bud & Bernstein Bud & Travis Bud and Travis Budd Buddy Buddy & Atencio Buffett Buhler Bunch Buono Burgess Burgon Burkhard & Various Burlingame Burnett Burns Burt Burt & Schifrin Burton & Lerner Burwell Butler Butt Buttolph Byrne Byrne & Su Byrnes C.P.E. Cacavas Caine Caiola Cal Calamar Caliendo Callery Camille Campbell Canadian Brass Cannonball Captain & Tennille Carbonara Cardon Carl Carl & Franklyn Carlo Carlos Carlos; Bátiz Carly Carmen Carmichael Carmine Carmine / Delerue Carol Schuller Carolyn Caron Carpenter Carpenters Carptenter Carras Carreras Carrodi Carroll Carter Carter & Romanis Carter & Various Caruso Cash Cassidy Castellucci Castelucci Cave Ceiri Celine Cellini Celtic Woman Cera Cesar Cezary Chad Chamberlain Chan Chang Chaplin Charest Charles Charles (movie musical) Charles (rejected score) Charles & Copland Charles & Williams Charles and Various Charles L Charlie Charlie; Gillespie Charlotte Charo Chattah Chattaway Chausson Chávez Cheli Chenowith Chet Chet; Freeman Chet/Shank Chick Chieftans Chihara Chinary Choi Chomet Chopin Chopin & Kilar Chopin & Tchaikovsky Chris Chris & Janko Christides Christie Christmas album Christoph Christophe Christophe & Legend Christophe Beck Christopher Christopher (subject) Christopher & Christides Christopher & Gruska Christopher & Jarre Christopher & McHugh. Jimmy/Rugolo Christopher & Storrs Christopher & Trainor Christopher & Various Christopher & Wynn Christopher L. Chubby Chuck Chung Church Churchill Cieri Cipriani Cirino Cirque du Soleil Claire Clapton Clark Clarke Claude Claude-Michel Claudia Claudio Claus Claus Ogerman Orchestra Claus; Brecker Claus; Perz Clausen Cliff Cliff & Various Clifford Clifton Clifton/Jarre Cline Clint Clinton Clooney Clouser Cmiral Cobert Cody Cohn Cole Cole & Lanchberry Cole & Rodgers Coleman Colin College Collins Colombier Coltrane Colvin Commitments Como Comstock Concorde cond. cond. David Newman cond. Dudadel cond. Eidelman cond. Herrmann cond. Joann Falletta cond. John Wilson cond. Karajan cond. Mauceri cond. Rosenman Conlan Connick Conrad Conrad & Various Constantin Conti Convertino Cooder Cooper Copeland Copland Copperthwaite Coppola Corbeil Corday Cordell Corea Corey Allen Corigliano Corligliano Cosma Costa Costas Coulais Count Count Basie Count Basie and his Orchestra Count Basie Orchestra Courage Courage & Jones Covell Craig Craig & de Vries & Hooper Craig & Peters Craig & Rahman Craig W Crawford Creston Crewe Crosby Cruise Crystal Curiale Curran Curt Curt & Goldsmith Curtin Curtis Cussac Cutler Cy Cynthia Cyril Cyril & Broughton Cyril et al. Cyrus D. Brent D'Arc D'Indy D'Riviera Dafnis Daft Punk Dallhwitz Dan Dan & Bekker Dan & Koladziej Dana Daniel Daniel & Erskine & Livingston Daniel & Robertson Daniel et al (ed.) Daniel James Daniele & Friedhofer Danielle Danielle & Various Danielpour Danilo Danna Danny Danny (subject) Danny & Jurriaans Danny & Seal Danny & Various Darby Daring Dario Dario & Olafsson Darius Darren Dasent Dave Dave & Coleman Dave & Gavin Dave & Mandel Dave & Various Dave Brubeck Quartet Dave Brubeck Quartet; Rushing Dave et al. David David (rejected score) David & Ciancia David & Deemer David & Folk David & Hamlisch David & Herrmann David & Jones David & Kiner David & Newman David & Norman David & Parks David & Price David & Various David & Welch David Allen David et al. David James David Michael David Miles Davidson Davies Davis Davis Jr. Daws Day De Angeles De Angelis De Falla De Hartmann De Los Rios De Masi de Oteyza De Rosa De Roubaix De Vol De Vorzon Dean Dean & Davis Jr Deaville Debbie Debney DeBoer Deborah Debussy Declan Dee DeJesus Del Tredici Delerue Delius Dello Joio Demarsan DeMichele Denis Dennis Dennis & Chattaway Dennis & Various Denny Denver Deon Nielsen DePaul Derek Derrick Desplat Dessner Deutsch DeVol DeVorzon Dew Di Stefano Diamante Diamond Diana Diane Diane & David Dick Dickinson Dickon Dickson DiCola Didier C. Diego Digby Dihaann; André Previn Trio Dikker Dima Dimitri Dimitri & Kaper Dimitri & Rózsa Dimitri et al. Dimtri Dion Director Dirk Ditmars Dixon Dizzie Dizzy Djawadi Dmitri Dmitri and Jarrett Dmitry Dolby Doldinger Dolly Dolly & Perry Dolphy Dom Richard Domingo Dominic Dominic & Conti Dominic & Morricone Dominick Don Don & Fiedel Don & Mandel Don; and Various Donaggio Donizetti Donnelly Donovan's Reef Dooley Dorff Doris Doug Douglas Douglass Dov Downs Doyle Dr. Larry M Dragon Drake Drasnin Dreith Dress Drew Dreyfus Du Prez Duane Dudamel Dudley Duhamel Duke Duke & Basie Duke & Gershwin Duke & North Duke; Clooney Dun Duncan Duning Dunlap Dupré Durante Dusan Dustin Dustin & Hauschka Dutilleux DVD Dvořák Dwajadi Dwight E.W. Earl Earle Earle & LaSalle Easdale Eastwood Eastwood/Jacob/Sutton Ebert Eckart Ed Ed & Churchill ed. Eddie Edelman Edgar Edge editor Edmonson Edmund Edvard Edward Edward & Goszka Edward David Edwards Edwin Eels & Various Effers Eflman Egilsson Ehrlichs Eidelman Eidleman Einhorn Eisler Ekstrand Eleni Elfman Elgar Eli Elia Elias Elizabeth Elkis Ella & Armstrong Ellington Elliot Elliot & Various Elliott Ellis Ellis B. Elmer Elmer & Albéniz & Marshall Elmer & Alexander Elmer & Astley Elmer & Bernstein Elmer & Herrmann Elmer & Jarre Elmer & Leigh Elmer & Mancini Elmer & Moross Elmer & Rosenthal Elmer & Van Cleave Elmer & Various Elms Elms & Hatch Elton Elton & Rice Elton & Taupin Elton & Zimmer Elvis Emerson Emilio Eminem Emma Emmett Endelman Englishby Ennio Ennio & Carpenter Ennio & Loussier Ennio & Various Eno Enrique Enya Enzo Eric Eric & Scheuregger Erich & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Erich Wolfgang Erich Wolfgang & Barber Erich Wolfgang & Rózsa Erich Wolfgang & Various Erich Wolfgang & Young Erik Erik (Legrand performances) Ernest Ernest (subject) Ernest & Rosenman Erwin Esa-Pekka Escott Eshkeri Esjkeri Essex et al et al. etc. Ett & Co. Eubie Eugene Eva Evan Evancho Evans Evgueni & Galperine Eyquem Faddis Faith Fake Falcom Fall Out Boy Faltermeyer Faltermyer Farber Farley Farnham Farnon Farrell Fassbaender Febre Federico Feinstein Felix Fenton Fenton George Ferde Ferguson Fernandez Fernando Ferraro Ferrio Fichera Fiedel Fielding Fierstein Figgis Fil Finey Fitkin Fitzgerald Fleming Florent Florian flute Fogelberg Folk Forrest J / Coe Foster Four Freshmen Fox Francesco Francillon Francis Francis & Hart Francisco Franck Franco Francois Frank Frank & Alexander Frank & Dorsey Frank & James Frank & Jones Frank & Kassel Frank & Martin Frank & Spear Frank & Wallace Frank & Williams Franke Frankel Frankie Frankie Ortega Trio Franklin Franz Franz & Kilar Franz & North Franz Joseph Franz von Freberg Fred Fred & Fielding Fred & Wright Fred & Wright Rayburn Fred et al. Frederic Frederick Frederick & Lerner Frederik Fredric Ensign Freedman Freeman Freese Friday Fried Fried & Dunlap Friedhofer Fritz Frizzell Froese Frontiere Fumio Fung Funicello Furst G &M Gabriel Gabriel & Moucha Gabriel & Underworld Gabriel & Various Gagne Gaigne Gail Gainsbourg Gale Galperine Galt Garcia Gardner Gardot Gareth Garland Garrett Garry Garth Gary Gary & Gallo Gary & Magnet Gary & Various Gary Lewis & The Playboys Gaslini Gateway Singers Gato Gavin Gavin & Seezer Gaye Geissman Gene Gene & Mercer Geoff Geoff & Neely Geoff & Ronson Geoff & Walker Geoffrey Georg Solti George George (Craig Leon cond. Berlin Music Ensemble) George & Bernstein George & Fried George & Green George & Gwangwa George & Ira George & Kaplan George & Mancini George & Reeder George & Various George et al. George Frideric George S. Georges Georges & Bennett Georges & Colombier Georges & Legrand Gerald Gerald & Morris Gerald & Various Gerard Gerhardt Germaine Germán Gernot Gerrard Gerrard & Bourke Gerrard and De Francisci Gerry Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Baker Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Getz Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Jackson Gershoni Gershwin Gert Gertz Getz Giacchino Giacco Giacomo Gian Carlo Gianni Gibbs Gibson Gielgud Gil Gil Evans Orchestra Gil-Curiel Giles Gillespie Gillian Gillioz Gimarc Ginastera Gioachino Giona Giorgio Giorgio & Doldinger Giovanni Giuseppe Gizzi Glasgow Glass Glasser Glazunov Gleason Glen Glen & Irglova Glenn Glenn Miller and His Orchestra Glennie-Smith Gliere Gliniak Glinka Goblin Gold Goldenberg Goldenthal Goldenthal & Clapton/Perf. Hauser et al. Goldenthall Goldmark Goldsmith Goldsmith Jerry Goldstein Goldwasser Golijov Gonzalez Goodman Goodwin Goraguer Goran Goransson Gorbman Gordon Gordon & Tate Gordon & Tognetti Gordon/Gerrard Gore Gorecki Gottfried & Strobel Gould Gounod Gouriet Grable Graeme Graeme & Various Graham Grainer Granata Grant Grappelli Gray Green Greenberg Greene Greenwood Greg Gregg & Brisebois Gregg & Kanegiser Gregory Gregson-Williams Grein Grieg Griffin Griffiths Grizzly Bear Groban Grofé Grofé & Gershwin Gross Groupé Grover Grudeff Grusin Grusin & Ellington Grusin & Gershwin Gruska Guaraldi Gudnadóttir Guenther Guerra Guido & Maurizio Guiseppe Gunning Guo Gustav Gustavo Gustavo & Soderqvist Gustavo & Various Guterman Guthrie Guttman Guy György H Stephen H. Scott H.B. Hadjidakis Hadjinassios Hagen Hahn Haim Haim & Levi Hamlisch Hammer Hanan Hancock Handel Hanna Hans Hans & Balfe Hans & Broughton Hans & Buttolph Hans & Dessau Hans & Gregson-Williams Hans & Harvey Hans & Howard Hans & John Hans & Junkie XL Hans & Lisa Gerrard & Lorne Balfe Hans & Lohner & Tillman Hans & Magnificent Six Hans & Mann/Weil Hans & Mazzaro Hans & Pereira Hans & Powell Hans & Skinner Hans & The Jigs Hans & Various Hans & Wallfisch Hans J. Hans J. & Dessau Hans J. & Skinner Hansard Hanson Harald Harald & Wander Harbison Hardy Harlen Harline Harnell Harold Harold & Various Harold & Various Artists Harris Harrison Harry Harry & Buckley Harry & Mollin Harry & Powell Harry & Various Harry et al. Hart Hartley Harvey Haslinger Hatari! Hawkshaw Hawley Hayazaka Hayden Haydn Hayes Haygood Hazard Heap Heath Heather Hector Hedden Heffes Hefti Heil Heinz Heitor Heitor & Various Helms Helmut Hendricks Heneker Hennie Henry Henry (subject of book) Henry (subject) Henry & Galway Henry & Lees Henry & Lewis Henry & Margeson Henry & Strouse Henry & Various Henry and his Orchestra Henry Mancini and his Orchestra Henry Mancini and his Orchestra and Chorus Henryk Hepker Herb Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass Herbert Herbert & songs Herbert & Various Herbert et al. Herbert von Karajan Herbie Herbie; Corea Herman Herman et al. Herrmann Hicks Higham Highman Hilary Hildur Hill & Range Hinchliffe Hindemith Hindman Hirschfelder Hisaishi HJ & M. van Wouw Hnenry; Pavarotti Ho Hodgson Hoenig Hoiby Holdridge Holiday Holkenberg Hollander Hollis Holmes Holst Homes Homrich Honegger Honor Society Hooper Hopkins Horne Horner Horowitz Hovhaness Howard Howard & Cribbins Howard & Goodwin Howard & Jones Howard & Metric Howard & Rice Howard & Various Howard & Young Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Howarth Hoyt & Various Huber Hugo Hugo (subject of book) Hugo & Bernstein Hugo & DeVol Hugo & Newman Hugo & Rose Hulick Hull Hummie Hunt Huntley Huppertz Hurwitz Hutton Huxley Hyldgaard Hyman Iain Ian Ian & Broughton Ibert Ifukube Iglesias Igor Igor & Hoffert Ikeno Il Divo Ilan Ildebrando Ilfman Immel Imogen In Harm's Way Inon Ira Irene Irving Irving & Newman Irwin Isaac Isaacs Isaak Isbin Isham Itamar Itzhak Itzhak; Previn Ives iZler J. Blake J. Peter J.A.C. J.A.C. Redford & Various J.J. J.J. & Frontiere J.S. Jablonsky JAC Jack Jack (polka band) Jackie Jackman Jackson Jacobs Jacques Jaeil James James (ed.) James & Franglen James & Lennertz James & Neumeyer James & Various James Galway James Horner James L James L & Wright James L. James Newton James Newton & Eidelman James Newton & Kenny G. James Newton & Kernis & Tovey James Newton & Various James Newton & Zimmer James V. & Gillespie James Wesley Jan Jan A.P. Janine & Golan Janis Jansen Jarre Jarrett Jasha Jason Jason and the Argonauts Jastfelder Javier Jay Jay & Kramer Jay and Dougherty Jay Barnes Jay et al. Jazz Modes Jean Jean-Claude Jean-Michel Jean-Yves Jeanine Jeanne Eagels Jeff Jeff (producer) Jeff & Danna Jeff & Isham Jeff & Khechog Jeff & Milner Jeff & Various Jeff & Yamaoka Jehan Jenkins Jennie Jennifer Jenson Jeongwon & Gilman Jeremy Jerome Jerome & Batalion Jerome; Previn Jerr Jerrold Jerry Jerry (arr. Williams) Jerry (piano cover versions) Jerry (subject of book) Jerry (subject) Jerry & Cary Jerry & Chattaway Jerry & DeVol Jerry & Grusin Jerry & Horner Jerry & Jarre Jerry & Lawrence Jerry & MacKechnie Jerry & McNeely Jerry & Rosenman Jerry & Shire Jerry & Sobel Jerry & Stevens Jerry & Various Jerry & Wilder/Zippel Jerry & Williams Jerry et al. Jerry et al. & Williams Jesper Jesse Jessye Jessye Norman Jeymes Jeymes et al. JG Thirlwell Jim Jim & Harris Jim & Legrand Jimmy Jimmy & O'Donnell Jiping JK Jo JoAnn Falletta Joaquin Joby Joby & Various Jocelyn Jocelyn & Various Jody Joe Joe & Kouneva Joe and Various Joe Boyd Joel Joel & Arnold Joel & Rosenthal Joel & Various Joel J. Joel w Gray Joey Joey & Various Joey & Westlake Johan Johann Johann Sebastian Johannes Johannsson Johansson John John (Johnny) John (new recording) John (performer) John (subject and author of book) John (subject of book) John (subject) John / Howarth John & Babcock John & Bennett John & Bernstein John & Buckley John & Chet Baker (trumpet: Chris Botti) John & Colombier John & Copland John & Davies John & Delerue John & Dolby John & Duning John & Ebb John & Edelman John & Franco John & Gascoigne John & Gregson-Williams John & Herrmann John & Holdridge John & Howard John & Howarth John & Itzhak Perlman John & Kaproff John & Kaska John & Lang John & Legrand John & Ma John & Mancini John & Manvell John & McNeely John & Moore/Mann John & Morales John & Muldowney John & Newman John & Newton-John John & Previn John & Prince John & Ross John & Shapiro John & Songs by Keith Easdale John & Stromberg John & Takemitsu & Hovhaness John & Urata John & Various John and Kaska John and Various John Barry John Barry" John cond. Berliner Phil. John cond. Gershwin John cond. Hollywood Bowl Orchestra (compilation) John E. John et al. John Gabriel John N. John T. John; Hooten John; Liszt Johnny Johnny & Duning Johnny & Fielding Johnny & Heil Johnny & Jones Johnny & Kristofferson Johnny & Mancini Johnny & Schifrin Johnny & Tykwer Johnny & Various Johnny et al. Johnson Johnston Jon Jon & Derlatka Jon & Various Jon & Wilson Jonas Jonathan Jonathan & Gibbs Jonathan & Lionel Richie/Diana Ross Jonathan & Morgan Jones Jongen Jonny Jonsi Joplin arr. Hamlisch Jordan Jørn & Hyldgaard Jose Jose & Domingo & Pavarotti Joseph Joseph & Elfman Josephs Josephs & Grainer Josh Joshua R. & Various Josie and the Pussycats Jr. Juan Juber Judds Judi Judy Judy & Crosby Jule & Sondheim Julee Jules Jules & Laws Julian Julian Adderly Quintet Julian Lloyd; Judd Julie Julio Julyan Jung Junior with Gascoigne Junkie XL Juno Jurriaans Justin Justin Caine Justis Kabalevsky Kaczmareck Kaczmarek Kaczmark Kaempfert Kalinak Kalinnikov Kamen Kanawa Kander Kaper Kaplan Kaproff Karaindrou Karas Karen (subject) Karen O and the Kids Karimloo Karl Karlin Karpman Karpov Kaska Kaspar Kates Katherine Kathleen Kathryn Kaufman Kay Kay (ed.) Keating Keefus Keely Keith Keith & Barber Keller Kempel Ken Ken & Nelson Kenneth Kenneth & Wilkins Kenny Kent Kenton Kenyon Kenyon & Ellington Keola & Kapono Kern Kevin Kevin & Jarrett Kevin & Williams Kevin & Young Khachaturian Khan Khatchaturian Kikkawa Kilar Kilian Killan Kim Kimmel Kiner King Kingston Trio Kirchin Kiri Kiri te Kirschner Kiwanuka KJ KJ & Hayward Klaus Klaus & Bloss Klaus & Grosser Klebe Kleisch Klimek Kloser Kloser. Harald Knopfler Kodály Kodo Kohs Komeda Kompanek Konrad Korla & Rolando Korngold Korngold & Goldmark Korngold & Schmidt Korngold & Schoenberg Korngold & Tchaikovsky Korngold & Weill & Krenek Korven Korzeniowski Kosetsu Kostas Kouneva Kouvena Kraemer Kraft Kraftwerk Kral Kral & Manthei Krall Kravitz Krenek Kris Kris & Various Kristen & Lopez Kristin Kristopher Kronos Quartet Krouse Krzysztof Kubernik Kubik Kunzel Kurt Kyd Kyle & Stein Kyle & Stevens LaBelle LaChiusa Lack Lacombe Lai Laine Lalo Lalo (new recording) Lalo & Ascher Lalo & Garfield Lalo & Hagen Lalo & Rosenman Lalo & Various Lalo & Various Classical Lalo and Davis Lalo and Jones Lalo et al. LaLoggia Lambert Lambro Landau Lane Lang Lang Lang Lanza Larry Larsen Larson LaSalle Laughton Laura Laura & Kroll-Rosenbaum Laurel and Hardy Laurence Laurence & Lipton Laurence & McNeely Laurence & North Laurence E Laurence et al. Laurent Laurent & Various Lauridsen Laurie Lavagnino Lawrence Laws LCD Soundsystem LCPC LCPC Chancel Choir and Orch. Le Roux Leao Lee Lee & Grusin Lee & Jenson Lee & Mathieson Lee & Waxman Lee; Grusin Lees Legrand Lehmann Leif Ove Leigh Leigh & Bregman Leigh & Friedhofer Leigh & Merrill Leigh & Newman Leigh & Phillips Leigh & Steiner Leith Lemarque LeMel Lena Lennertz Lennie Lennie & Eastwood Lenny Leo Leo (aka Ennio Morricone) Leon Leonard Leonard & Goldsmith Leonard & Tiomkin Leoncavallo Leontyne; Previn Leppard Lerche Lerner (Lyrics) Lerner-Lowe (movie musical) Lerouge Leroy Les Les / Cacavas Les & Piccioni Lesley Leslie Leslie & Williams Levay Levi Levy Lewis Licht Ligeti Lightfoot Lila Limbacher Lin-Manuel Lin-Manuel & Mancina Linda Lindberg Linn Lionel Lisa Lisa & Bourke Lisa & Cassidy Lisa & Melvoin Lisa & Orr Lisa & Rona Lisa; Cassidy Liszt Lo Duca Lockington LoDuca Loek Loesser Loewe Lola Lolita Lolita & McCuistion London Lone Eagle Publishing Loose Loreena Lori Lorne Los Lobos Lotte Lotti Louis Louis & Bebe Louis & Kaufman Loussier Lubbock Lucas Luchi Luciano Lucket Ludovic Ludwig Ludwig van Luis Luis & Various Lundborg Lunn Luppi Lupton Lurie Lutaslowski Lutyens Lyle Lyn Lyn & Rosenman Lynch Lynn Lynne M M William M. & Uchiyama M83 Ma Mac MacDermott MacDonald Mader Madonna Magnard Magne Magnus Mahal Mahler Malagnini Malcolm Malcolm (writer/producer) Malcolm & Goldsmith Malo Mamiya Mancina Mancini Mancini album Mancini, Henry Mandel Mandossian Mandy Manfredini Manilow Mann Manne Mannheim Steamroller Manos Mansell Mansfield Manthei Manuel Marc Marc & Various Marc & Wittman Marcel Marcelo Marco Marco & Glass Marco & Sanders Marco & Trumpp Marco Valerio Marcus Mare Margeson Maria Maria & Newman Mariachi Sol de Mexico Mariachi Vargas De Tecalitlan Marian & Kessel Marianelli Marianne Marice Marie Marill Marinelli Mario Mario & Ramin Marion Mark Mark (ed.) Mark & Burwell Mark & Collins Mark & Faithfull Mark & Febre Mark & Patterson Mark & Rabin Mark & The Utah Studio Symphony Orchestra Mark & Various Mark & Young Mark A. & Gross Mark; Keating Marketa Markham Markowitz Marks Marlin & Stevens Marsalis Marshall Martin Martin Miller Martine Martinez Marty Marvin Marvin & Eban Mary & Charnin Mary J Mary J. Masamichi Mascagni Mason Mason & Various Massari Masser Massey Mast Mateo & Kent Mathieu Matlovsky Matt Matthew Matthew & Lifeson Matthias Matthis Mauceri Maurice Maurice & Kaplan Maurice & Lawrence Maurice & Prodromides Maurice & Songs Maurice & Tina Turner Maurice & Various Maurizio Maury Maury & Bass Max Max & Newman Max & Thum Max & Various May Mayer Mayfield Mayuzumi McCarthly McCarthy McCarthy Dennis McCartney McCarty McCauley McCreary McCree McCuistion McCuistion & Carter McCuistion & Ritmanis McCullough McEachern McEntire McFarland McGraw McGurk McIntire McIntosh McKennitt McKenzie McKuen McNeeley McNeely McRae Meeker Meghan Mel Mellé Mellow Melody Melos Quartett Mendelssohn Mendohlsson Menken Mennin Mera Meredith Merrill Mervyn Messiaen Messina Meyer Miaskovsky Mica Michael Michael (piano performances) Michael / Snow Michael & Ali Khan Michael & Clapton Michael & Gaffney Michael & Hotei Michael & Lee Michael & Orbital Michael & Shire Michael & The Reds Michael & Tilton Michael & Various Michael Giacchino (forward) Michael J. Michael John Michael Tilson Michael Tilson Thomas Michael; Boe Michel Michel & Bergman Michel & His Orchestra Michel & Jaeger Michel & Various Middle of the NIght Midler Midnight Syndicate Midori Mieczyslaw Miguel Mike Mike & Carpenter Mike & Margeson Mike Jackson and the Soul Providers Mikis Miklós Miklós (concert works) Miklós (subject and author of book) Miklós (subject of book) Miklós (subject) Miklós / National Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus Miklós & Holdridge Miklós & Korngold Miklós & Schumann Miklós & Various Miklós et al. Milano Miles Miles Davis All Stars Miles Davis and the Modern Jazz Giants Miles Davis Quartet Miley Milhaud Millar Miller Milli Millo Mills Brothers Milt Milton Minami Minchin Mingus Minobe Miranda Mireille Miriam Mirowitz Mischa Misha Mitchell Mix Master Mike Mizzy Mockridge Modern Jazz Quartet Modest Mole Mompou Mondo & Gilchrist Monica Monk Monkman Monro Montenegro Montes Montgomery Monty Moody Blues Moore Moran Mordujovich Morey Morgan Morley Moroder Moross Morricone Morricone/Rota Morris Morrow Morten Morton Morton & Barber Morton & Goldsmith et al. Mosley Mosolov Mothersbaugh Mouskouri Mozart Muhly Mulhy Mullendore Mulligan Mundell; Brown Murai Murphy Murray Murray & Various Music and Dialogue Music by Loewe Muskett Mussorgsky Mutter Myaskovsky Mychael Mychael & Danna Mychael & Various Mychael) Myers Myrow N/A Nadja Nana Nancy Nancy & Sinatra Nascimbene Nashel Nat King Natalie Nathan Nathan & Various Nathaniel Nathaniel & Thorne Nati Cano's Mariachi Los Comparos National Public Radio Navarette Navarrete Navarro Nawang Neal Neal & Jones Neal & Rosenman Ned Neely Neil Neil; Hill Nelson Nelson & 101 Strings Nelson & Harris Nestor Netrebko Neustadter Neveux New World Symphony Newborn Newman Newton Newton Howard Nichelle Nicholas Nicholas & Davis Nicholas & Fried Nicholas & Kauer Nichols Nick Nick & Ellis Nick Jonas and the Administration Nico Nicola Nicolosi Niehaus Nielsen Nigel & Portman Nikolai Nilsson Nino Nino & Coppola Nitin Nitzsche No artist Nora Norihito Norman Normand North Not listed NOT MUSIC: set of "trading cards" based on film composers Nott Nuno Nusrat Fateh Nusrat Fateh Ali Nyman O'Brien O'Halloran O'Hearn O'Toole Offenbach Ogerman Ogermann Oldfield Olea Oliver Oliver & Fielding Oliver & Smith Olivia & Warlow Olivier Oosterhuis Oprah Winfrey Presents Various Orff Original Cast Orion String Quartet Ortlani Ortolani Örvarsson Osborne Oscar Oscar Peterson Trio Ostinelli Osvaldo Other Side Ottman Ottorino Owen P.F. Pablo de Paesano Paich Pal Joey Palmer Pandit Papas Paquito Paray Parkening Parker Parks Parodi Pärt Parton Partridge Pascal Pasek Pasek & Paul Pastor Pastor Jeff Vines Pat Patillo Patinkin Patrick Patrick & Branagh Patrick & Gold Patrick & Various Patsy Patti Patton Paul Paul & Bernstein Paul & Farnon Paul & Glasser Paul & Halley Paul & Kilian Paul & Murray Paul & Shefter Paul & Various Paul J. Pavaratti Pavarotti Pavarotti and Various Peake Pedro Peggy Pelfrey Pemberton Penderecki Penka Penn Percy Pereira Perez Del Mar perf. Aron Quartett Perf. Bleachers Perf. Michael Chertock perf. Michael Riesman perf. Rothermich Perinton Concert Band Perkins Perlman Perry Pete Pete & Branley Peter Peter & Bernstein Peter & Goldenberg Peterson Petit Petitgand Petitgirard Petula Petula (movie musical) Pharrell Pharrell & Franklin Pharrell & Hugo Pharrell & Wallfisch Pharrell and Various Pheloung Phelps Phil Phil & Mancina Philip Philip (ed.) Philip & Zanelli Philippe Philippe & Getz Philippe & Various Phillip Phillipe Phillips Phipps piano: Gloria Cheng Piccioni Picnic Piero Piero / Garvarentz Pieter Pietro & Rota Pike Pinar Pino Pinto Piovani Pipes Piston Pizzetti Plácido Plumb Plumeri Plumieri Poledouris Poledouris-Roché Polnareff Pook Pope Porter Portman Post Powell Power Preisner Prendergast Presley Preston Neal Preusser Previn Price Priests Prince Profokiev Profokiev & Bartok Prokofiev Puccini Pyotr Ilyich Quayle Queen Quincy R. Michael Rabin Rachel Rachel & Brook Rachel & Various Rachmaninoff Rachmaninov Radic Radio Drama Radio show Rae Ragland Ragnar Rahman Rainer Raksin Ralph Ralston Ramin Randall D. Randolph Randy Randy - Best Song Promo Randy & Various Raskin Rat Pack Ravel Ravi Rawlings Rawsthorne Ray Ray Charles Singers Raymond Read by Annette Kaufman Reba Redbone Redfeld Redford Reeves Reich Reid Reiner Reinhard (Berlin Game) Reinhold Reinhold & Klimek Reitzell Rembrandts Remi Renée Rennicks Renzetti Respighi Respigni Revell Revueltas Reyes Reynolds Reynolds Graham & Various Reznor Rezvani Rhythm Devils Ricardo Rich Richard Richard (Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Alwyn) Richard & Goldsmith Richard & Massari Richard & Various Richard & Watters Richard and Bernstein Richard G. Richard M. Richard M. & Robert B. Richard Rodney Richard Rodney & Rota Richard Rodney & Yared Richardson Richmond Richter Rick Rick & Blake Ricky Riddle Ridenhour Rieu Rimsky-Korsakov Rinder & Lewis Ritenour Ritmanis Ritmanis & Carter Ritter Riz Riz & Nelson Rizzati RMA Roach Rob Rob & Vitarelli Robbie Robbie & The Red Road Ensemble Robbins Robert Robert & Debney Robert & Kobilke Robert & Rugolo Robert & Stambler Robert & the Ivory Coast Robert & Thiel Robert & Various Robert & Zanelli Robert et al. Robert J. Robert L. Robert O. Roberto Roberts Robertson Robinson Rod Rodgers Rodgers & Hammerstein Rodgers and Hammerstein Rodgers and Hart Rodgers/Hammerstein II Rodrigo Rodriguez Roemheld Roger Rogers Rogers & Hammerstein Rolfe Rolfe & Various Romanis Rombi Romer Romero Ron Ron & Mancini Ron & Various Ron & Walton Rona Ronald Ronald & Lutyens Ronstadt Roos Roque Rorem Rose Rosemary Rosenman Rosenthal Ross Ross Lee Rossini Rósza Rota Rowland Roxanne Roxanne & Coppola Roy Roy & Copland Roy & Harline Roy and Various Roy M Roylance Róza Rózsa Rubini Rubinstein Rudy Ray & Various Rufus Ruggero Ruggles Rugolo Rupert Rupert & Zimmer Russ Russ; Manne Russell Russell & Rózsa Russo Rustichelli Ry Ryan Ryan & Burnett Ryuichi Ryuichi & Various S. Saadiq Saban Sable Sacha Sackett Sacrifyx Safan Safan Craig Saint-Saëns Sainton Sakamoto Salerno-Sonnenberg Salinas Salisbury Sally Salonen Salter Saltzman Salvay Sam Sam & Facenda Sammy Sammy & various Samuel Samuel & Korngold Samuel & Menotti Sanborn Sanchez Sander L (ed.) Sandler Sandy Sanford Sanko Santaolalla Santoalella Sarah Sarasate Sarde Satie Satoh Satterwhite Saunder Saunder & Bensi Savina Sawhney Sawtell Scarlatti Scharf Schelle Schickele Schifrin Schmidt Schmitt Schoenberg Schoenberg & Kretzmer Schönberg Schönberg & Boubil Schubert Schulhoff Schulze Schuman Schumann Schwartz Schyman Scott Scriabin Scriabin & Schumann Scubert & Brahms Sean Sebastian Sedaka Seeber Seeman Segal Seinfeld Selena Gomez and the Scene Seltzer Senbongi Senju Serge & Colombier Serge & Swingle Sergei Sergey Sergio Moure Serra Shaiman Shakira & Pinto Shaman Shankar Shapero Shapiro Sharon Shatner Shaw Shearmur Sheffer cond. Eos Orchestra Shefter Shel Sheldon Shelly Shelly & His Friends Shelly Manne & His Friends Shelly Manne & His Men Shelly Manne and His Men Shemel Shepard Shephard Sheppar Sheppard Sherk Sherman Sherman Bros. Sherman Bros. & Kostal Sherman Bros. arr. John Williams Sherman Brothers Sherwood Shewan Shickele Shield Shields Shigeru Shire Shire & Shire Shirley Shirley & Carpenter Shirley & Elfman Shirley & Various Shirley and Carpenter Shore Shores Short Shorter Shorty & The Giants Shorty Rodgers & the Giants Shorty Rodgers and his Giants Shorty Rodgers and his Orchestra Shorty Rodgers and his Orchestra ft. the Giants Shorty; Previn Shostakovich Shragge Shreker Shuki Shuki & Saban Sibelius Sidney & Krasilovsky Sigle Sigurbjornsson Siliotto Silkroad Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma Sillescu Sills Silverstein Silvestre Silvestri Simon Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Various Simon Rattle Simonsen Sims Sinatra Sinatra Jr. Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger Sir Arthur Sir Arthur (Adriano cond. Slovak Radio Symphony Orch.) Sir George Sir William Sissel Sissel (subject) Skiles Skinner Skip Skrillex Skubiszewski Slavov Small Smetana & Dvořák Smith Smith & Tedd T. Snow Sobel Soderqvist Sol Sol & Fried Sol & Harline Sol & Newman Solti Solvent New Ways Somers Sondheim Sondre Sonny Soren Sound Effects Sowerby Spear Spence Spiner Spoliansky Stalling Stalvey Stan Stan & Fielder Stan Kenton Orchestra Staney Stanford Stanley Stanley & Kongos Stanley & Various Stanley & Zimmer Starr Stearns Stears Stefan Steffen Stein Steindl Steiner Stelvio Stemple Stephane Stephane & Delerue Stephen Stephen & Walker Stephen James & Andrews Stern Steve Steve & Kurtz Steve & May Steve & Sloan Steven Steven C Steven C. Steven D. Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stewart/Delerue Still Sting Sting & Clapton Stinson Stone Stothart Strange Strause Strauss Stravinsky Stravinsky/Yared Streisand Streitenfeld Stromberg Strouse Stu Stu & Various Stuart Styles Styne Subvision & Gross Suen Sukman Sumac Sumitomo Sune Sung by Matt Monro Sung by Robert Goulet Suppé Susan Swift Swihart Sylvain Sylvester Sylvestre Szabo T. Bone T. Bone & Mansfield Taj Takemitsu Talbot Talgorn Tamar-Kali Tams Tan Tanawa Tangerine Dream Tatro Tatsuyuki Taylor Tchaikovsky Te Te Kanawa Team of composers Teddy Teetsel Tempera-Bixio-Frizzi Ten Tenors Terence Teresa Terrence Terry Tesh Tesori Tessloff The The & Beagles The 3 Worlds of Gulliver The 7th Voyage of Sinbad the Angeles String Quartet The Appaloosa The Association & Fox The Droves The Golden Voyage of Sinbad The Night of the Following Day The Quintet The Ugly American Thedore Thelonious Thelonius Theme by Danny Elfman Theodorakis Theodore Theodore & Various Thibaudet This is a Blu-Ray. This is a Documentary/Concert DVD This is a DVD This is a DVD. This is a frame with two photos inside This is a homemade DVDR of audio This is a promotional card for Sony's Themependium release signed "Best Wishes This is a screener DVD This is a Statue. Thomas Thomas & Kloser Thomas & Levay Thomas & Rosenman Thomas & Various Thomas and Kloser Thompson Thompson & Trotter Thomson Thorkell Thorne Three Stooges Three Tenors Tilson Thomas Tim Tim & Ehrbar Tim & McKenna Tim & Rubinstein Tim Davies Big Band Tim; Various Timm Timothy Timothy Michael Tina Tindall Tiomkin Tirk Tjader Todd Tom Tom & Gayle Tom & Rosenman Tomandandy Tomita Tommy Tomoyasa Tomoyuki Tonks Tony Tony & Evans Tony Thomas 1961 Radio Documentary with Interviews Topeng & Tanjidor & Ajeng Toprak Toprek Torjussen Torme Torn Toru Toscanini Toshiro Toto Towns Townshend Toyne Tranter & Monson Trapanese Trask Travis Tree Trent & Ross Trevor Trevor & Banks Trevor & Edelman Trevor & Gregson-Williams Trevor & Various Trijnte Tripi Tristram Troost Trotter Trio trumpet Trumpp Tunick Tykwer Tyler Tyler & Richard Tyler & Various Tyng U2 Umebayashi Umiliani Ung United Artists Music Unknown Uptown Flutes V. Van Van & Hazzard & H.E.R. Van Cleave Van Dyke Van Kampen Van Morrison Van Parys Van Tongeren Vanessa Vangelis Vangelis arr. Hauser Various Various "Pops" Classics Various (2 tracks Danna Various (Beatles covers) Various (Charles Gerhardt cond. National Phil. Orch.) Various (Kunzel/Cincinnati Pops) Various & Bacharach Various & Badalamenti Various & Bates Various & Bernstein Various & Burwell Various & Danna Various & Debney Various & Elfman Various & Grusin Various & Howard Various & Hyldgaard Various & Isham Various & Jones Various & Licht Various & Nitzsche Various & Ross Various & Shapiro Various & Silvestri Various & Stevens Various & Yared Various & Young Various & Zimmer Various Artists Various Classical Various Classical & Desplat Various Classical cond. Williams Various Composers Various incl. Goldsmith Various incl. Williams Various including Williams Various Jazz Vasily Vaughan Vaughan Williams Vaughan Williams; Previn Vedder Velásquez Velazquez Velton Ray Venable Vera Verdi Vi Vic Vic & Williams Victor Victor & Kern Vidal video and data files Videotape Vigil Vikingur Villa-Lobos Villarreal Vince Vince & McKuen Vincent Vincent J (ed.) Vincent J. Violaine Virgil Virginia Symphony Vivaldi Vivaldi perf. Gleeson Vlad Vladimir Voccia Volker Vonda W. Michael & Lindsay W.G. Snuffy Wadsworth Wadsworth & Harvey Wagner Waits Waitzman Wakeman Walcott Walden Waldman Waldo Walfisch Walker Wall Wallace Wallfisch Walsh Walter Walter & Jones Walter & Simonetti Walters Walton Wander Wandmacher Wang Wannberg Warbeck Ward Warren Washington & Harline Washington Jr. Waxman Webb Webber Webern Webster/Fain Wehr Weill Weinberg Weissenberg Welch Welles Wells Wendler Wendy Werba Wescott Westerberg Westheimer Westlake Whale recordings Whalen which is a box set Whitaker White Whitmer Wiedmann Wierzbicki Wilden Wilder Wiley Will William William & Du Bois William & Leroy William & Morgan William and Morgan William Grant William Lloyd William M Williams Williams & Kamen & Knopfler Williams themes on piano Williamson Willie Willis Willmington Wilson Wingo Winifred Winningham Winter Wintory Wise/Haimsohn/Miller & Holmes/Leigh Wiseman With Michael Brook Witold Wocjiech Wocjiech & Various Wojciech Wolfgang Wolfgang Amadeus Wolfram Womack Wood Woods Woods & Ruppert Woody Wuorinen Wurman Wynn Wynton Xavier Yan Yanni Yardumian Yared Yershon Yeston Yevtushenko Yma Yo-Yo Yo-Yo & Perlman Yo-Yo Ma Yo-Yo; Dun York Young Young & Allaman Yuile Yuja Yutaka & Maeda Zach & Birenberg Zador Zamecnik Zanelli Zappa Zarvos Zavros Zbigniew Zeitlin Zeliff Zeltia Zentner Zhao Zigman Zimmer Zimmerman Zittrer Zoë Zoë & Roché Zoltan Zur
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"DMJ" in silver marker on front of disc "For Karl "Killer Elite" handwritten on spine "PHAIDON: NON MINT COPY" stamped inside front cover "promotional" printed across disc face "SN" written on back of slipcase "with compliments" sticker on cover "with compliments" sticker on front of booklet "X" in Sharpie on front of disc “N.A/Review” written for number (Nick Redman handwriting) #1082/2500 042924 1 2 2 and booklet and trays OK. 2 discs only 2CD set 3 3 and booklet. Missing discs 4 and 5. 3. Disc 4 only. Packaging and case OK. 3. Missing booklet. 4 4 and 5. 4 and 5. Case cracked 4 and booklet. Missing discs 2 and 5. 4 and other packaging and case OK. 4" crease on dust jacket 5 and booklet. Missing other discs. 500 advance promo (did not have booklet) Advance promo of two discs in cardboard sleeve. Used advance reader copy all the best all the best -- Don Davis" all the best! Mark Isham" all the best. Mark Isham" alternate reddish printing to disc images and another in UPC and back cover and booklet—but NO DISCS! Everything in perfect condition and star Dee Wallace: "For Tim appears to be a bootleg appears to be a data CDR of MP3s appears to be CDR bootleg appears to be on-demand CDR packaging appears to be signed by Travis Edmondson ASCAP book award winner sticker on front cover autographed by composer back cover damaged where it stuck to CD and was eventually torn off back cover drilled in upper right corner back cover glued to back case back cover glued to back of case back cover stuck to back case back cover stuck to back of case back cover stuck to case back insert stuck to back cover back insert wrinkled back of booklet stamped promo use Back of case drilled (lower right) bagged in plastic barcode drilled barcode on slipcase scratched barcode ripped barcode scraped barcode scratched barcode sticker on top of barcode barcode torn barcode torn up for promo use barcodes punched barcoe torn Bear McCreary" bend in spine bends in spine bent spine Best JG" best wishes black line through barcode black marker line through barcode black marker line through UPC black marker line through UPC code black marker lines on barcode black marker on barcode black marker on edge of disc bottom black marker though barcode black marker through barcode Blemish on disc blemish on disc 3 booklet booklet and package OK. booklet and package OK. Case OK. booklet and package OK. Minor crack to back case. booklet cover stuck to jewel box booklet creased - Missing Disc #1 booklet creased - Signed by director Jan de Bont booklet crimped booklet damaged booklet has water damage booklet inserted upside down and backwards booklet is bent and scuffed booklet missing booklet missing (xerox cover only) BOOKLET ONLY Booklet only (oversize one that fits in slipcase). NO DISCS OR PACKAGING. Booklet only. No discs or packaging or case! booklet otherwise gone booklet punched in corner booklet scuffed booklet signed by Charles Bernstein and Marco Beltrami booklet torn because it was stuck to CD booklet warped booklets and slipcases from multiple volumes bookplates bootleg labeled Soundtrack Library 44 bottom of case notched bottom of slipcase becoming unglued but no damage box opened and becoming unglued box still in excellent condition BOXED SET Brian Tyler broken case broken pins in tray in digipak brown CD "stain" on back of booklet brown smudge on top of disc brown spots in box but a 1CD of excerpts but digipak in pristine condition but NO DISCS. but opening in the side of the shrink wrap but opening sealed but still pretty good. Basil Poledouris" but wrapper torn cardboard bent cardboard fold-out packaging cardboard sleeve packaging case Case and tray cards only. No discs or booklet. case cracked case drilled case notched case replacd case replaced case scratched case sealed with tape by previous owner cases with trays CD + DVD packaged in LP sized jacket CD did not scan for us CD rot cd rot (does not affect play) CD rot on both discs CD sealed CDR CDR clone CDR in homemade packaging CDR of unreleased orchestral score CDR on-demand CDR with color xerox packaging CDs mislabeled Charles Bernstein Charles Bernstein & Lewis Teague" "To Tim [smiley face] Dee Wallace" Christophe Beck Christopher Young Christopher Young" Clapton and Sanborn clear replacement included Cliff Eidelman Cliff Eidelman" collection of numerous columns color xerox inserts color xeroxed back cover in lieu of tray card comb bound comb bound (size of a small phone book) complete with booklet and slipcase Contents: disc 1 in paper sleeve corner of booklet folded corner of booklet is cut corner of lower right booklet cover cut off cosmetic damage on top of disc cosmetic damage to top of CD cosmetic damage to top of disc cover has promo stamp on artwork cover of booklet folded inside shrinkwrap cover stamped with promo marker crack in back cover crack in case crack in cover crack in front cover crack in unusually shaped case crack on back of jewel box crack on front of jewel box cracked cracked case cracked case (we will include a fresh case) cracked case replaced cracked case. cracked tray crease and wear and water damage on booklet crease in booklet crease in booklet - Signed by composer creases in booklet creases in box cut in spine damage and sun damage on spine damage and water damage to booklet and back cover damage to back of booklet where it had been stuck to CD damage to booklet damage to booklet and back cover damage to booklet corner damage to corner where shrink wrap tore damage to cover damage to hardbound cover damage to spine DAMAGED damaged inserts damaged spine (clipped off) David Hedison" David Shire" dent in spine digipak has fold-out dinosaurs digipak is worn out director Lewis Teague Disc 1 (box set disc 3) only. Missing disc 2. Packaging OK. disc 1 becoming unglued Disc 1 missing. Disc 2 and packaging only. DISC 1 ONLY Disc 2 (box set disc 5) only. Missing disc 1. Disc 2 (box set disc 7) only. Missing disc 1. Disc 2 (box set disc 7) only. No packaging disc 2 only Disc 3 (Batman Returns disc 1) ONLY. Packaging complete. Cracked case Disc 3 only. Missing discs 1 and 2 disc and booklet only (removed from digipak) disc four only disc in cardboard sleeve disc in case. disc is scuffed disc may not scan disc OK disc only disc only in case disc only in new case disc plays but smudged on top disc plays OK disc plays OK but paper smear stuck on top disc plays OK but smudge on top; disc is Colosseum imprint disc plays OK but smudged on top disc stamped "promotional" disc still plays disc yucky discoloration from sticker on booklet discs Discs 1 DISCS 1 AND 3 ONLY discs are stickered for promo use discs OK discs only discs scuffed DJ may be in mylar do not affect play do not appear to affect play does not affect play DOES NOT PLAY - used Don Davis. dot taped to spine Double hole punch in UPC drill hole in barcode drill hole in corner of tray drill hole in corner of tray and case drill hole in spine drill hole in tray drill hole in tray card drill hole in UPC drill hole in UPC code drill hole through back of case drill hole through barcode drill hole through barcode and case drill hole through case drill hole through corner of back case drill hole through corner of entire package drill hole through corner of package drill hole through cover and UPC on tray drill hole through entire case drill hole through entire case in corner drill hole through entire corner of package (disc OK) drill hole through entire package drill hole through spine drill hole through UPC code drilled drilled case Drilled in back cover (upper right corner) drilled in back of case (upper left corner) Drilled in back of case (upper right corner) drilled in case drilled in corner drilled in corner of back tray drilled in front of case drilled in spine drilled in tray card DVD in CD packaging early pressing with wrong mix of disc 2 Edward Shearmur empty box flattened for shipping empty box only empty case and packaging EMPTY CASE—NO DISC empty jacket only ex libris personal library plate inside front cover ex-library copy ex-rental excellent condition extra booklet signed by Blake Neely extra booklet signed by Chuck Cirino extra booklet signed by Craig Safan extra booklet signed by Patrick Williams extra booklet signed by Robert Picardo (star) extremely minor scuff to top spine extremely minor scuffs on disc faded spine fading on back of booklet failing fan-made CDR flattened for shipping former library copy from repressing front cover stuck to jewel box front tray card FYE Exclusive sticker on shrink wrap general wear on digipak glue coming off glue marks inside front cover gold disc gold disc edition good condition Grab-bag of fragments green tinted Rykodisc case cracked half-magazine-sized squarebound book handwritten corrections handwritten no. 1338 handwritten no. 248 of 1 handwritten no. 539 handwritten timing notes on back of booklet handwritten track list on back of booklet Hardback Hardback - Used Hardback - Used - Missing DJ Hardback - Used - Shelfwear on DJ hardback w DJ Hardcover hardcover w DJ has actual disc but no packaging has promotional notice where barcode would be heavy water damage to booklet and back cover hole drilled in back cover (upper right corner) hole drilled in barcode hole drilled in slipcase hole drilled in UPC hole drilled in upper-left corn of back cover hole in shrink wrap hole in spine hole in spine plastic hole in UPC hole punch hole punch in booklet hole punch in cover + hole punch through UPC code hole punch in tray card and booklet hole punch in UPC hole punch in UPC and front cover hole punch in UPC and in front cover hole punch in UPC code hole punch on back corner hole punch through case and barcode hole punch through UPC hole punch through UPC code homemade homemade CDR homemade CDR of favorite Goldsmith tracks homemade CDR of LP transfer inside Tsunami packaging homemade CDR of video files homemade disc homemade in CD jewel case homemade inserts I hope you enjoy this score. Best I'm honored to meet you I'm Spartacus and I'm sealed in a longbox in cardboard slimline case in cellophane with writing on back in cracked case in new case in plastic sleeve in protective sleeve in red "lunch box" case in resealable wrapper in sleeve in slipcase (thin bound booklets) inc agency lists of composers inc. first release and corrected disc 1 includes CDR of La-La Land score disc includes extra CDR of album with added reverb includes extra copy of loose disc in jewel box includes extra corrected replacement disc includes extra disc from repressing includes obi includes obi strip includes replacement disc 2 incomplete INCOMPLETE! MISSING BOOK. Otherwise all intact. In original box. ink mark on top of disc ink smears on disc inner case needs to be glued back on to outer case Jan A.P. Kaczmarek jewel box cracked Joel Goldsmith" Joel McNeely John Beal" John Debney John Frizzell John Ottman John Ottman" Karl Lalo Schifrin large drill hole in tray card large hole punch in UPC large punch hole in UPC code Larry Edmunds Book Shop stamp last page stuck to CD sleeve Lee Holdridge" library code written on front of disc) library copy library stamps inside front cover and bottom edges library stickers on disc light scratch on disc light scuffs on disc light sun damage on back of booklet light sun damage on spine light water damage on booklet like new like new except one page bent longbox-sized softbound enclosure mildly warped looks like a pressed CD but may be a CDR loose book from FSM Superman book loose booklet only loose disc loose disc 1 from a set loose disc 2 only in case loose disc from repressing in slimline case loose disc in case loose disc in jewel box loose disc in new jewel box loose disc in slimline case loose disc one only in slimline case loose disc only in case loose disc only in new case LOOSE DISCS ONLY loose in new case lower tray card spine fold is off ltd #450/500 - Signed by composer ltd. no. 141/500 ltd. number 136/2000 ltd. number 197/1500 ltd. number 2562/3000 ltd. number 87/1500 major sun damage on spine major water damage and markings on booklet and back cover major water damage and wear to booklet and back cover major water damage on back cover major water damage on booklet major water damage on booklet (partially sealed) and back cover major water damage on booklet (sealed shut) major water damage on booklet (sealed shut) and back cover major water damage on booklet (sealed) major water damage on booklet and back cover major water damage on booklet and back insert major water damage to back cover major water damage to booklet major water damage to booklet (partially sealed shut) and back cover major water damage to booklet (sealed shut) major water damage to booklet (sealed shut) and back cover major water damage to booklet and back cover major water damage to cardboard foldout packaging major water damage to slipcase major water damge to back cover major wear and staining on cardboard slimline packaging major wear on booklet major wear on sleeve major wear on slipcase Marc Sharman Marco Beltrami Mark Isham mark on disc marked for promotional use only in barcode space marker line through barcode marker on barcode marker stain on top of disc marker through barcode marks and paper on disc marks on disc marks on top of disc massive water damage to booklet (sealed shut) may be unplayable may have a book plate Michael Danna mild discoloration on box cover mild scratch on CD mild scratch on disc mild scuffs on disc mild scuffs to disc mild shelfwear on box mild water damage on tray card mild water damage to booklet mild water damage to booklet and tray mild wear to digipak minidisc minor bending in spine of digipak minor CD rot in inner ring of disc minor cuts on booklet minor damage on booklet minor damage on booklet and back cover minor damage on spine minor damage to back cover minor damage to booklet minor damage to booklet and back cover minor damage to lower right booklet corner minor scratch on back jewel box minor scratch on disc minor scratches on disc minor scuff on disc minor scuffs on disc minor scuffs on slipcase minor shelf ware to digipak minor shelf wear on sleeve minor shelfware on sleeve minor shelfwear minor shelfwear on bottom back of case edge minor shelfwear on edge of slipcase minor smudging on top of disc (bottom OK) minor staining on spine and small part of the cover of cardboard foldout packaging minor sun damage on back of booklet minor sun damage to spine minor to back cover minor water and sun damage on booklet and back cover minor water damage minor water damage and wrinkles on booklet minor water damage on back cover minor water damage on back cover/spine minor water damage on booklet minor water damage on booklet and back cover minor water damage on booklet and spine minor water damage on spine minor water damage to back of booklet minor water damage to back tray card of 2CD set minor water damage to booklet minor water damage to front and back covers minor water damage to slipcase minor water damage to some tray cards minor water damage to spine minor wear minor wear and water damage on booklet and back cover minor wear on back cover minor wear on booklet minor wear on cardboard foldout packaging minor wear on spine minor wrinkles in tray cards mint condition missing back cover missing back insert missing booket missing booklet missing booklet and major water damage to back cover missing booklet and tray missing booklet. Trays and case OK. missing disc missing disc 1 Missing disc 1 (Conquest). Disc 2 OK (Battle). Packaging OK. Missing disc 1 and 4. Discs 2 and 3 only. Otherwise OK. Missing disc 1 and disc 4. Otherwise OK. Missing disc 1. Case broken. Missing disc 1. Cracked case. Missing disc 1. Otherwise mint. Missing disc 1. Otherwise OK. MISSING DISC 2 missing disc 2 (disc 1 only) Missing disc 2. Otherwise mint. Missing disc 2. Tray card a little frayed. Otherwise OK. missing disc 3 Missing disc 3. Case cracked Missing disc 3. Discs 1 Missing disc 3. Otherwise OK. missing disc 4 (has disc 5 only) Missing disc 4. Contains discs 1 Missing disc 4. Otherwise mint. Missing disc 4. Otherwise OK. Missing disc. Packaging in case only. Missing disc. Packaging in case only. Tray card punched. Missing discs 1 Missing discs 1 and 2. Missing back tray card. Discs 3 Missing discs 2 and 3. Discs 1 Missing discs. Packaging in case only. Missing discs. Packaging only Missing discs. Packging only. Case broken Missing discs. Packging only. Case cracked. missing dust jacket missing dustjacket Missing front tray and disc 3. Otherwise OK. missing obi missing obi card missing obi strip missing slipcase missing top of slip box missing tray card moderate wear to booklet my friend. Christopher Young" mylar cover mylar DJ Nancy Wilson" never opened new new (sealed) (thin bound booklets) new case new case included new in cardboard sleeve Nicholas Meyer" no booklet no booklet or back cover NO DISC No disc. Signed by Alan Howarth. NO DISCS! NO DISCS! Mint packaging and case only. no DJ if it had one no DJ if there was one no dust jacket if it had one no obi no obi strip no packaging no shrinkwrap no slipcase no tray card NO VINYL! no. 14/1000 no. 1695/2000 no. 19/1000 no. 225 NOT MUSIC! Trading cards Not quite Sheriff & The Astronaut notch in barcode notch in booklet notch in booklet and back cover notch in jewel box and spine notch in jewel box spine notch in plastic on bottom of jewel box notch in plastic spine notch in side notch in spine notch in spine and case notch in spine of back insert notch in spine of plastic notch in top notch in top of back cover notch in tray card notched notched in case notched in plastic notched in plastic of spine notched in plastic spine notched in spine notched spine Notebook: 509 pages in a 3-ring binder NOTHING ELSE! off-white pages official release CDR on-demand CDR only disc 2 on hand (missing disc 1) original case inc. w promo sticker original case w back cover included original case w promo sticker included original case with promo sticker included otherwise gone otherwise good condition otherwise like new owner stamp inside back cover owner's bookplate (Ronald Bohn) owner's initials on back of booklet in blue ink packaged in cardboard "case file" sleeve packaging in Japanese packaging in Spanish packaging is poor color xerox packaging only packaging stamped "Aspect Ratio" (Hollywood trailer house) pages yellowed from age pape glued to top of CDs paper glued on CD paper glued to top of disc Paperback Paperback (squarebound magazine) part of barcode torn out part of spine torn off pen coloring on spine pencil checkmarks on some pages piece of handle has broken off playability is affected. Packaging intact plays OK plus CDR of edited program possible skipping possible water damage pressed CD previous Denver library copy (UPC taped to front of case previous owner's bookplate/stamp previous owner's initials on back of booklet previous owner's name on back in Sharpie previous owners initials written on back cover of booklet price tag on front price tag stuck to back of booklet printed "for promotional use only" instead of barcode printing on spine misaligned product does not include a booklet Promo CD promo edition promo marked "not for sale" on cover and disc promo notice in barcode location promo stamp on back of booklet promo stamp on booklet promo stamp on cover promo stamp on disc promo stamp on discs promo stamp on front of booklet promo stamp on inlay promo stamp on jewel box promo sticker on back tray promo sticker on back tray card promo sticker on barcode promo sticker on cover promo sticker on cover of booklet promo sticker on front of booklet promo sticker on tray card promo sticker on tray card and on disc promotional stamp on disc face promotional sticker on back of slipcse puched punch hold in UPC code punch hole punch hole in back tray punch hole in back tray card punch hole in barcode punch hole in booklet punch hole in corner of tray card punch hole in plastic and UPC code punch hole in UPC punch hole in UPC code punch hole in UPC code and in booklet corner punch hole in upper right corner of booklet punch hole through digipak punch hole through tray punch hole through tray card and booklet punch hole through UPC code punch holes in UPC code punch on edge of tray card punch through spine punched punched barcode punched barcode - Signed by composer punched booklet punched in barcode and corner of booklet punched in corner of booklet punched in tray card and booklet punched UPC raised stamp ("Library of..." former owner) red vinyl replacement case included replacement case meant for multiple discs resealable bag resealable plastic Richard Band" Richard Kraft rip in spine/tray card Robert Townson Ronald Bohn owner stamp inside front cover rusted staples in booklet schmutz in top of disc scratch in barcode scratch mark across UPC code scratch on barcode scratch through barcode scratches on tray card scuff on slipcase scuffed scuffed disc 3 loose scuffing may cause skipping on track 5 scuffing on booklet scuffs on disc scuffs on discs sealed sealed - NO BLU-RAY sealed (resealed) sealed box sealed by tape sealed by top sticker sealed CD sealed in cracked case sealed in longbox sealed in original longbox sealed with obi Season 1 component of box set with disc 2 Season 2 component of box set with discs 1 Season 3 component of box set with disc 1 and booklet. Missing discs 2 Season 3 component of box set with discs 1 seems to play OK; we will refund if does not play severe shelfwear to slipcase severe spine damage severe water damage to booklet severe water damage to tray card sharpie mark on UPC shattered case and trays only. shelfwear on box shelfwear on cardbood sleeve shelfwear on sleeve shelfwear on slipcase shelfwear to cardboard box shelfwear to label on unique "movie reel can" packaging shrink wrap coming off shrink wrap frayed shrink wrap fraying shrink wrap partially torn shrink wrap peeling shrink wrap slightly peeling shrink wrap torn shrinkwrap becoming undone shrinkwrap coming off shrinkwrap frayed shrinkwrap fraying shrinkwrap missing shrinkwrap peeling shrinkwrap torn shrinkwrap torn on bottom side of disc and tray is notched signed signed "all my best signed "for Brent" by Geoff Zanelli signed "For My Pal Karl signed "Love Rules signed "THANKS!" by Dennis McCarthy signed "To Brent signed "To Brent" by Paul Haslinger and director Steven De Jarnatt signed "To Dave MItchell signed "To Henry..." August 2015 signed "To Jerry and Phyllis..." December 2012 signed "To Karl signed "To Mark signed "YO!" by Dennis McCarthy signed "YO!" DENNIS McCARTHY signed by Alan Howarth signed by author signed by Benjamin Wallfisch signed by Brendan K. Varrett (music producer) signed by Brian Tyler signed by Charles Fox and Johnny Harris signed by Christophe Beck signed by Christopher Young signed by Chuck Cirino signed by composers signed by Craig Safan signed by Dan Redfeld signed by David [illegible] signed by David Newman signed by Dominik Hauser (producer/arranger) signed by Edwin Wendler signed by Frederic Talgorn and director Stuart Gordon signed by Hans J. Salter signed by Harry Manfredini signed by Joseph Bishara signed by Kamen signed by Kay Cole signed by Lee Holdridge signed by Mac Quayle signed by Mark Mancina signed by Mark Snow signed by Matthew Barney signed by Michael Brook signed by Neal Acree signed by Nicholas Britell signed by Pat Boone and Alec McEwen (voice actor from TV remake) signed by Randy Newman signed by Reinhold Heil Signed by Richard Band signed by Robert J. Walsh signed by Theodore Shapiro signed by Tyler Bates signed by unknown artist (see pic) signed by: Richard M. Sherman Signed inside booklet below composer pic signed on cover by Craig Safan signed on cover by Jackman & Margeson signed on cover by Jeff Beal signed on cover by Mark McKenzie signed on cover by Michael Giacchino signed on cover by Peter Bernstein signed on cover by Quincy Jones signed on cover by Stephanie Powers significant shelfwear on slipcase sleeve becoming unglued slight misfold to tray card spine slight misfolding to spines slight tear in digipak slight tear in shrinkwrap slight wear on digipak slightly sun-faded spine slimline case slimline packaging Slipcase slipcase and booklet ONLY slipcase becoming unglued slipcase glue coming apart slipcase ONLY slipcase spine torn small bend at bottom of slipcover small crack in green Rykodisc case small crack on fronter cover of case small dent in booklet small drill hole in spine small drill hole in UPC code small handwritten note in pen on back of booklet small hole in back cover small hole in spine small hole in upper left corner of back cover small homemade "Elvis" sticker on front small mark on back of booklet small punch hole in UPC code small punch in upper right corner of booklet small rough spot on back cover where a rubber band melted to cover small rust stain on top of disc small spine bend small stain on spine small stamp and label of previous owners on inside first blank page small tear at top of disc two sleeve small tear on spine small warp in tray card sold as a lot sold as is some damage to corners and edges of sleeve some damage to front cover some highlighting some of the coloring on inner ring of top of disc 2 coming off some pen marks and highlighting some pen marks inside some shelf wear on cardboard packaging some shelfwear to sleeve. some specks of damage on top some staining on page edges some sun fading and small tear on DJ some wear some wear and tear on outside of box some wear on booklet some wear on DJ otherwise like new some wear on outside some wrinkling to booklet some yellowing on page edges spine bent spine bent inside jewel box spine card bent spine cracked and in poor condition spine drilled spine notched spine of tray card bent spine of tray card fold is imperfect spine of tray card torn spine of tray card wrinkled spine printing misaligned Spine wrinkled spined drilled stain on back cover of booklet stamped for promotion only on back sticker covering barcode sticker on barcode sticker on barcode (may be punched) sticker on barcode on slipcase sticker on case for promotional use sticker on cover "not for sale" sticker on disc sticker on front otherwise like new sticker on spine sticker on top of CD is intact and appears not to have been opened sticker over barcode stickered and encased in NY Public Library case still in resealable wrapper sun damage on back cover sun damage on back of booklet sun damage on booklet and back cover sun damage on spine sun damage to booklet and spine sun damage to spine sun fading and wear on DJ sunbleaching on slipcase Super Audio CD edition tape on front cover taped tear and shelf wear on box tear hole in UPC code tear in back cover tear in cardboard slipcase tear in front cover sticker on plastic tear in plastic on spine tear in spine tear in spine of tray tear in spine tray card tear in spine/tray card tear in tray card tear in UPC code tear on back cover tear on back cover of booklet where it was glued to CD tear on back cover where it stuck to CD tear on back of booklet tear on back page of booklet tear on spine tears on spine Thank you thank you for being my friend. Christopher Young" thank you so much for listening. Christopher Young" thank you. Christopher Young" thanks for being a friend thanks for listening thanks. Christopher Young" the most disgusting set we've ever sold: major water damage and holes in booklet THESE ARE CASSETTE TAPES these are loose discs in plastic sleeves this is a box set of a videotape documentary and book THIS IS A CASSETTE TAPE this is a CDR this is a CDR-on-demand this is a DVD this is a loose disc in a jewel box THIS IS A VHS TAPE THIS IS A VHS TAPE WITH BOOK THIS IS A VIDEO DVD DOCUMENTARY this is NOT the 2CD FYC this was Tony Thomas' personal copy Tim Tim. Christopher Young" Tony Thomas bookplate Tony Thomas bookplate otherwise like new top right corner of booklet cut off torn spine track 7 Trade PB - Used tray card bent at spine tray card damaged/torn tray card drilled tray card has plug for videotape on tray card tray card is color xerox tray card is wrinkled tray card punched tray card spine bent tray card stained tray damaged tray notched tray spindle broken tray unglued trays for Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 are unglued trays with discs becoming unglued Trevor Jones two booklets. two copies of disc 2 two discs in jewel boxes two spines torn unclear if play affected unknown disc of Blade Runner music unsealed only for autograph unusual case with no tray card UPC drilled upc punched UPC punchout UPC sticker on spine used used - cardboard sleeve packaging used - DISC ONLY Used - DVD - Disc only - From a local Los Angeles church Used - No box Used - Shelfwear on sleeve Used - Signed "To Tim" by composer Used - Signed and personalized by composer Charles Bernstein Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Best wishes Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Dear Tim Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "For Tim Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "For Tim! Mark Isham" Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "For Tim. Mark Isham" Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Peace Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Thank you Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Thanks Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "Tim Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "To Tim Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "To Tim! John Debney" Used - Signed and personalized by composer: "To Tim! Mark Isham" Used - Signed and personalized by film director Nicholas Meyer: "For Tim Used - Signed by both composers Used - Signed by both conductors Stromberg and Morgan Used - Signed by Bruce Broughton Used - Signed by Cliff Eidelman Used - Signed by composer Used - Signed by composer Bruce Broughton (1994 version) Used - Signed by composer Bruce Broughton and concertmaster Belinda Broughton Used - Signed by composer Bruce Broughton and film's director Mike Gabriel Used - Signed by composer Edward Shearmur and production designer Kevin Conran Used - Signed by composer Mark Macina and film's director Jan de Bont Used - Signed by composer Nicholas Pike and film director Mick Garris Used - Signed by composer Richard M. Sherman Used - Signed by conductor Joel McNelly Used - Signed by David Newman Used - Signed by Eidelman Used - Signed by John Debney Used - Signed by Michael Tilson Thomas Used - Signed by violinist Belinda Broughton Used - Signed by William Stromberg Used - Signed by William Stromberg and reconstructionist/orchestrator John Morgan used but in good condition Varèse packaging with CDR clone of disc inside variant with "The World's Most Favorite Screen Music" on cover very minor wear on back cover vinyl-sized 4CD set with book w/ obi Warner Bros. 9 47006-2 warped tray card is fused to jewel box water damage water damage and tearing on booklet water damage and tearing on booklet and spine water damage and wear on booklet water damage and wear on booklet and back cover water damage and wear to booklet water damage on back cover water damage on booklet water damage on booklet and back cover water damage on booklet and back insert water damage on booklet and cardboard slimline packaging water damage on cardboard foldout packaging water damage on front and back covers and booklet water damage on spine water damage to back cover water damage to back insert water damage to booklet water damage to booklet (sealed shut) and back cover water damage to booklet and back cover water damage to booklet and digipak water damage to booklet and tray water damage to cover and booklet water damage to front cover water damage to inserts water damage to top of disc water damage to tray card water major damage to booklet and back cover we will include a new case too we will include new case we will include stickered case wear and minor staining on spine and back cover of cardboard foldout packaging wear and tear on digipak wear and water damage on cardboard covers and booklet wear and water damage on packaging wear on back cover wear on back of booklet wear on booklet wear on cardboard fold-out packaging wear on cardboard foldout packaging wear on cardboard packaging wear on cover wear on digipak wear on disc wear on slipcase weird bumps/pattern on top of disc weird pattern on disc white line over barcode white line through barcode white poke hole in UPC code white ring on barcode white scratch through barcode white sticker on barcode white sticker over barcode with agency sticker on jewel box with obi with obi intact around spine with obi strip with top cover with unsealed obi with unsealed obi in plastic sleeve without gold sticker on cover on Fox logo X over barcode yellowed pages YO!" by Dennis McCarthy you're the best. Christopher Young"
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Blu-Ray Book Broadway Children's Classical DVD Electronica FYC Gospel Jazz Misc New Age Pop Signed Soundtrack
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