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- 360 Sextet
- A Countess From Hong Kong
- A. & Vale
- A.G. & Giombini
- A.R.
- Aaron
- Aaron & Szpirglas
- Aaron & Various
- Abba
- Abel
- Abels
- Abril
- Ackerman
- Acree
- Adam
- Adams
- Adapted Elmer Bernstein
- Adderly
- Adderly/Evans
- Addinsell
- Addison
- Adler
- Adolph
- Adolph & Kaper
- Adolph & Previn
- Adonis
- Adrian
- Adu & Travers
- Aesop Rock
- Agatha
- Akira
- Akira & Various
- Al
- Alain
- Alain & Rocle Claude
- Alan
- Alan & Ahrens
- Alan & Ashman
- Alan & Fahey
- Alan & Isfalt
- Alan & Marilyn & Goldenberg
- Alan & Marilyn & Various
- Alan & Pomeranz
- Alan & Rice
- Alan & Schwartz
- Alan & Slater
- Alan & Various
- Alan & Zippel
- Alan Jay
- Alban
- Alberic
- Albert
- Alberto
- Albright
- Aldolfo
- Alejandro
- Alejandro G.
- Alessandro
- Aletras
- Alex
- Alex (film version)
- Alex (Goldsmith recording)
- Alex (subject of book)
- Alex & Antheil
- Alex & Deutsch
- Alex & Dialogue
- Alex & Goldsmith
- Alex & Newman
- Alex & Robertson
- Alex & Rosenstock
- Alex & Rosenthal
- Alex & Steiner
- Alexander
- Alexander & Fried
- Alexander & Various
- Alexander & Williams
- Alexandra & Cobo
- Alexandre
- Alexandre (subject)
- Alexandre & Lang Lang
- Alexandre & Pope
- Alexandre & Various
- Alexandre & Zigman
- Alexandre Desplat
- Alexis (piano)
- Alf & Various
- Alfano
- Alfie
- Alfred
- Alfred & Friedhofer
- Alfred & Herrmann
- Alfred & Kaplan
- Alfred & Korngold
- Alfred & Lionel
- Alfred & Mockridge
- Alfred Apaka with the Hawaiian Village Serenaders
- Alfred et al.
- Alice
- All seasons are normal DVD packaging except S8
- Allaman
- Allfred
- Allyn
- Alpert
- Altman
- Alvin H
- Alwyn
- Aman Folk Orchestra
- Amano
- Amarante
- Amenabar
- Amfitheatrof
- Amin & Posner
- Amram
- Amy
- Ancient Mariner
- and his Orchestra
- Anderson
- Anderson-Lopez
- André
- André (subject and author of book)
- André (subject of book)
- Andre & Classical
- André & Littell
- Andre & Williams
- Andre cond. Gershwin
- André Previn and his Pals
- André Previn and his Pals (Shelly Manne & Red Mitchell)
- André Previn and his Pals Shelly Manne & Red Mitchell
- André Previn's Jazz Trio
- André; Finck
- André; Lowe
- André; Perlman
- Andrea
- Andrea & Wurman
- Andreas
- Andrew
- Andrew Lloyd
- Andrew Lloyd and Various
- Andrew Lloyd; Steinman
- Andrews
- Andsnes
- Andy
- Andy & Budd
- Andy & McDowell
- Angel
- Angel Jr.
- Angela
- Angelo
- Angelo & Various
- Angelo F.
- Angelo Francesco
- Anka
- Ann
- Anna
- Anna Netrebko and Various
- Anne
- Anne-Sophie
- Annette
- Ansermet
- Antheil
- Anthony
- Anthony & Trapanese
- Antoine
- Anton
- Anton Garcia
- AntonÃn
- Antonini
- Antonio
- Antonio Pappano
- Antonio Perez
- Antonoff
- Apaka
- Aram
- Arcade Fire & Karen O.
- Arensky
- Aretha
- Ari
- Arkenstone
- Arlen
- Armstrong
- Arnaud
- Arni
- Arnold
- arr. Hayton
- arr. Lanny Meyers
- arr. Leonard Rosenman
- Art Pepper + Eleven
- Arthur
- Arthur & Stravinsky
- Arthur B.
- Arthur Lyman Group
- Artie
- Arturo
- Aruj
- Arvo
- Asakawa
- Asbjornsen
- Asche & Spencer
- Aschueru
- Ashkenazy
- Ashton
- Astley
- Atli
- Atmajian
- Atreyu
- Atticus
- Audissino
- Auric
- Austin
- Autopsy
- Autry
- Ayer
- B.J.
- Bacalov
- Bach
- Bacharach
- Backbeat Band
- Bacon
- Badalamenti
- Badelt
- Bain
- Bainum
- Bakaleinikoff et al.
- Baker
- Balfe
- Ball
- Ballamy
- Banana Splits
- Band
- Bang
- Banos
- Barbara
- Barber
- Barbieri
- Barbra
- Barker
- Barney kids album
- Barnum
- Barr
- Barraud
- Barri
- Barrington
- Barrington & Various
- Barron
- Barry
- Barry & Mallett
- Barry & Various
- Barry & Wadsworth
- Barry et al.
- Bartek
- Barth
- Bartók
- Bartok & Hindemith
- Barton
- Bartram
- Basil
- Basil (subject)
- Basil & Various
- Basil & Zimmer
- Bass
- Bassinson
- Bassman
- Bates
- Batiste
- Bátiz
- Batt
- Battle
- Baumbauch
- Bax
- Baxter
- Bay Brass
- Bazelon
- Beach Boys
- Beal
- Beamer
- Bear
- Beatles
- Beatles cover versions
- Beau Hunks
- Beau Hunks & Scott
- Beck
- Beckerman
- Beckmann
- Bee Gees
- Beethoven
- Beiderbecke
- Bela
- Belafonte
- Belatrami
- Bell
- Bella
- Belling
- Bellis
- Beltrami
- Beltrane
- Ben
- Ben & Barrow
- Ben & Foster
- Benito
- Benj & Paul
- Benjamin
- Benjamin & Danna
- Benjamin & Gold
- Benjamin; Walton
- Bennet
- Bennett
- Bennie & Various
- Benny
- Benny Goodman and His Orchestra
- Benoit
- Benoit & Groulx
- Bensi
- Bepler
- Berg
- Bergeaud
- Bergman
- Berlin
- Berlioz
- Bernard
- Bernard (cond. James Sedares)
- Bernard (cond. National Philharmonic)
- Bernard (new recording)
- Bernard (new recordings)
- Bernard (spoken interview)
- Bernard (subject)
- Bernard & Bernstein
- Bernard & Del Tredici
- Bernard & Friedhofer/Newman/Waxman
- Bernard & Moross
- Bernard & Newman
- Bernard & Shire & Gold
- Bernard adapt. Laurie Johnson
- Bernard; Stromberg
- Bernardo
- Bernie
- Bernstein
- Bert
- Bert & Dunlap
- Bertelmann
- Besoyan
- Best
- Betawi
- Betrock
- Bette
- Betty
- Beverly & Kostelanetz
- Bhatia
- Bick
- Bill
- Bill & Holdridge
- Bill & Various
- Bill Evans Quintet
- Bill Evans Trio
- Bill; Hall
- Billie
- Billy
- Bilous
- Bing
- Bingham
- Bird
- Birenberg & Robinson
- Bishara
- Bix
- Bizet
- Bjerkreim
- Bjorn
- Black
- Blair
- Blake
- Blake & Chan
- Blanchard
- Blige
- Bliss
- Bloch
- Blondie
- Bloom
- Blume
- Boardman
- Bob
- Bob & Fox
- Bob & Ray
- Bobby
- Bobby & Johnson
- Bocelli
- Bock
- Bolling
- Bonezzi
- Book and Candle
- Book to Box Set
- Boris
- Borodin
- Boswell
- Boublil & Schönberg
- Boulez
- Boulton
- Bource
- Bournemouth Symph Orch/Ron Goodwin
- Bowers
- Bowie
- Boyer
- Boyle
- Brad
- Bradley
- Braheny
- Brahms
- Bramson
- Branford
- Brant
- Braudy
- Breaking Benjamin
- Bregovic
- Brendan G
- Brent
- Brett
- Brian
- Brian & Constant
- Brian & Elfman
- Brian & Various
- Brian & Yoecker
- Bricusse
- Bridge
- Bridges
- Bright
- Brightman
- Brigitte
- Brion
- Britell
- Britten
- Bromfman
- Bronislau
- Bronislau & Radic
- Bronislau & Steiner
- Bronislau & Villa-Lobos
- Bronislau et al.
- Bronislau/Previn
- Brook
- Brooke & Blair
- Brooks
- Brosse
- Broughton
- Brown
- Brubeck
- Bruce
- Bruce & Bramson
- Bruce & Debney & McNeely
- Bruce & Various
- Bruce and Various
- Bruce; Davis
- Bruckner
- Bruno
- Bruns
- Bruns & Lawrence
- Bryan
- Bryan & Zimmer
- Bryan Ferry Orchestra
- Bryce & Inarritu
- BT
- BT (Brian Trenseau)
- Buck
- Bud & Bernstein
- Bud & Travis
- Bud and Travis
- Budd
- Buddy
- Buddy & Atencio
- Buffett
- Buhler
- Bunch
- Buono
- Burgess
- Burgon
- Burkhard & Various
- Burlingame
- Burnett
- Burns
- Burt
- Burt & Schifrin
- Burton & Lerner
- Burwell
- Butler
- Butt
- Buttolph
- Byrne
- Byrne & Su
- Byrnes
- C.P.E.
- Cacavas
- Caine
- Caiola
- Cal
- Calamar
- Caliendo
- Callery
- Camille
- Campbell
- Canadian Brass
- Cannonball
- Captain & Tennille
- Carbonara
- Cardon
- Carl
- Carl & Franklyn
- Carlo
- Carlos
- Carlos; Bátiz
- Carly
- Carmen
- Carmichael
- Carmine
- Carmine / Delerue
- Carol Schuller
- Carolyn
- Caron
- Carpenter
- Carpenters
- Carptenter
- Carras
- Carreras
- Carrodi
- Carroll
- Carter
- Carter & Romanis
- Carter & Various
- Caruso
- Cash
- Cassidy
- Castellucci
- Castelucci
- Cave
- Ceiri
- Celine
- Cellini
- Celtic Woman
- Cera
- Cesar
- Cezary
- Chad
- Chamberlain
- Chan
- Chang
- Chaplin
- Charest
- Charles
- Charles (movie musical)
- Charles (rejected score)
- Charles & Copland
- Charles & Williams
- Charles and Various
- Charles L
- Charlie
- Charlie; Gillespie
- Charlotte
- Charo
- Chattah
- Chattaway
- Chausson
- Chávez
- Cheli
- Chenowith
- Chet
- Chet; Freeman
- Chet/Shank
- Chick
- Chieftans
- Chihara
- Chinary
- Choi
- Chomet
- Chopin
- Chopin & Kilar
- Chopin & Tchaikovsky
- Chris
- Chris & Janko
- Christides
- Christie
- Christmas album
- Christoph
- Christophe
- Christophe & Legend
- Christophe Beck
- Christopher
- Christopher (subject)
- Christopher & Christides
- Christopher & Gruska
- Christopher & Jarre
- Christopher & McHugh. Jimmy/Rugolo
- Christopher & Storrs
- Christopher & Trainor
- Christopher & Various
- Christopher & Wynn
- Christopher L.
- Chubby
- Chuck
- Chung
- Church
- Churchill
- Cieri
- Cipriani
- Cirino
- Cirque du Soleil
- Claire
- Clapton
- Clark
- Clarke
- Claude
- Claude-Michel
- Claudia
- Claudio
- Claus
- Claus Ogerman Orchestra
- Claus; Brecker
- Claus; Perz
- Clausen
- Cliff
- Cliff & Various
- Clifford
- Clifton
- Clifton/Jarre
- Cline
- Clint
- Clinton
- Clooney
- Clouser
- Cmiral
- Cobert
- Cody
- Cohn
- Cole
- Cole & Lanchberry
- Cole & Rodgers
- Coleman
- Colin
- College
- Collins
- Colombier
- Coltrane
- Colvin
- Commitments
- Como
- Comstock
- Concorde
- cond.
- cond. David Newman
- cond. Dudadel
- cond. Eidelman
- cond. Herrmann
- cond. Joann Falletta
- cond. John Wilson
- cond. Karajan
- cond. Mauceri
- cond. Rosenman
- Conlan
- Connick
- Conrad
- Conrad & Various
- Constantin
- Conti
- Convertino
- Cooder
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Copland
- Copperthwaite
- Coppola
- Corbeil
- Corday
- Cordell
- Corea
- Corey Allen
- Corigliano
- Corligliano
- Cosma
- Costa
- Costas
- Coulais
- Count
- Count Basie
- Count Basie and his Orchestra
- Count Basie Orchestra
- Courage
- Courage & Jones
- Covell
- Craig
- Craig & de Vries & Hooper
- Craig & Peters
- Craig & Rahman
- Craig W
- Crawford
- Creston
- Crewe
- Crosby
- Cruise
- Crystal
- Curiale
- Curran
- Curt
- Curt & Goldsmith
- Curtin
- Curtis
- Cussac
- Cutler
- Cy
- Cynthia
- Cyril
- Cyril & Broughton
- Cyril et al.
- Cyrus
- D. Brent
- D'Arc
- D'Indy
- D'Riviera
- Dafnis
- Daft Punk
- Dallhwitz
- Dan
- Dan & Bekker
- Dan & Koladziej
- Dana
- Daniel
- Daniel & Erskine & Livingston
- Daniel & Robertson
- Daniel et al (ed.)
- Daniel James
- Daniele & Friedhofer
- Danielle
- Danielle & Various
- Danielpour
- Danilo
- Danna
- Danny
- Danny (subject)
- Danny & Jurriaans
- Danny & Seal
- Danny & Various
- Darby
- Daring
- Dario
- Dario & Olafsson
- Darius
- Darren
- Dasent
- Dave
- Dave & Coleman
- Dave & Gavin
- Dave & Mandel
- Dave & Various
- Dave Brubeck Quartet
- Dave Brubeck Quartet; Rushing
- Dave et al.
- David
- David (rejected score)
- David & Ciancia
- David & Deemer
- David & Folk
- David & Hamlisch
- David & Herrmann
- David & Jones
- David & Kiner
- David & Newman
- David & Norman
- David & Parks
- David & Price
- David & Various
- David & Welch
- David Allen
- David et al.
- David James
- David Michael
- David Miles
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis Jr.
- Daws
- Day
- De Angeles
- De Angelis
- De Falla
- De Hartmann
- De Los Rios
- De Masi
- de Oteyza
- De Rosa
- De Roubaix
- De Vol
- De Vorzon
- Dean
- Dean & Davis Jr
- Deaville
- Debbie
- Debney
- DeBoer
- Deborah
- Debussy
- Declan
- Dee
- DeJesus
- Del Tredici
- Delerue
- Delius
- Dello Joio
- Demarsan
- DeMichele
- Denis
- Dennis
- Dennis & Chattaway
- Dennis & Various
- Denny
- Denver
- Deon Nielsen
- DePaul
- Derek
- Derrick
- Desplat
- Dessner
- Deutsch
- DeVol
- DeVorzon
- Dew
- Di Stefano
- Diamante
- Diamond
- Diana
- Diane
- Diane & David
- Dick
- Dickinson
- Dickon
- Dickson
- DiCola
- Didier C.
- Diego
- Digby
- Dihaann; André Previn Trio
- Dikker
- Dima
- Dimitri
- Dimitri & Kaper
- Dimitri & Rózsa
- Dimitri et al.
- Dimtri
- Dion
- Director
- Dirk
- Ditmars
- Dixon
- Dizzie
- Dizzy
- Djawadi
- Dmitri
- Dmitri and Jarrett
- Dmitry
- Dolby
- Doldinger
- Dolly
- Dolly & Perry
- Dolphy
- Dom Richard
- Domingo
- Dominic
- Dominic & Conti
- Dominic & Morricone
- Dominick
- Don
- Don & Fiedel
- Don & Mandel
- Don; and Various
- Donaggio
- Donizetti
- Donnelly
- Donovan's Reef
- Dooley
- Dorff
- Doris
- Doug
- Douglas
- Douglass
- Dov
- Downs
- Doyle
- Dr. Larry M
- Dragon
- Drake
- Drasnin
- Dreith
- Dress
- Drew
- Dreyfus
- Du Prez
- Duane
- Dudamel
- Dudley
- Duhamel
- Duke
- Duke & Basie
- Duke & Gershwin
- Duke & North
- Duke; Clooney
- Dun
- Duncan
- Duning
- Dunlap
- Dupré
- Durante
- Dusan
- Dustin
- Dustin & Hauschka
- Dutilleux
- Dvořák
- Dwajadi
- Dwight
- E.W.
- Earl
- Earle
- Earle & LaSalle
- Easdale
- Eastwood
- Eastwood/Jacob/Sutton
- Ebert
- Eckart
- Ed
- Ed & Churchill
- ed.
- Eddie
- Edelman
- Edgar
- Edge
- editor
- Edmonson
- Edmund
- Edvard
- Edward
- Edward & Goszka
- Edward David
- Edwards
- Edwin
- Eels & Various
- Effers
- Eflman
- Egilsson
- Ehrlichs
- Eidelman
- Eidleman
- Einhorn
- Eisler
- Ekstrand
- Eleni
- Elfman
- Elgar
- Eli
- Elia
- Elias
- Elizabeth
- Elkis
- Ella & Armstrong
- Ellington
- Elliot
- Elliot & Various
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellis B.
- Elmer
- Elmer & Albéniz & Marshall
- Elmer & Alexander
- Elmer & Astley
- Elmer & Bernstein
- Elmer & Herrmann
- Elmer & Jarre
- Elmer & Leigh
- Elmer & Mancini
- Elmer & Moross
- Elmer & Rosenthal
- Elmer & Van Cleave
- Elmer & Various
- Elms
- Elms & Hatch
- Elton
- Elton & Rice
- Elton & Taupin
- Elton & Zimmer
- Elvis
- Emerson
- Emilio
- Eminem
- Emma
- Emmett
- Endelman
- Englishby
- Ennio
- Ennio & Carpenter
- Ennio & Loussier
- Ennio & Various
- Eno
- Enrique
- Enya
- Enzo
- Eric
- Eric & Scheuregger
- Erich & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
- Erich Wolfgang
- Erich Wolfgang & Barber
- Erich Wolfgang & Rózsa
- Erich Wolfgang & Various
- Erich Wolfgang & Young
- Erik
- Erik (Legrand performances)
- Ernest
- Ernest (subject)
- Ernest & Rosenman
- Erwin
- Esa-Pekka
- Escott
- Eshkeri
- Esjkeri
- Essex
- et al
- et al.
- etc.
- Ett & Co.
- Eubie
- Eugene
- Eva
- Evan
- Evancho
- Evans
- Evgueni & Galperine
- Eyquem
- Faddis
- Faith
- Fake
- Falcom
- Fall Out Boy
- Faltermeyer
- Faltermyer
- Farber
- Farley
- Farnham
- Farnon
- Farrell
- Fassbaender
- Febre
- Federico
- Feinstein
- Felix
- Fenton
- Fenton George
- Ferde
- Ferguson
- Fernandez
- Fernando
- Ferraro
- Ferrio
- Fichera
- Fiedel
- Fielding
- Fierstein
- Figgis
- Fil
- Finey
- Fitkin
- Fitzgerald
- Fleming
- Florent
- Florian
- flute
- Fogelberg
- Folk
- Forrest J / Coe
- Foster
- Four Freshmen
- Fox
- Francesco
- Francillon
- Francis
- Francis & Hart
- Francisco
- Franck
- Franco
- Francois
- Frank
- Frank & Alexander
- Frank & Dorsey
- Frank & James
- Frank & Jones
- Frank & Kassel
- Frank & Martin
- Frank & Spear
- Frank & Wallace
- Frank & Williams
- Franke
- Frankel
- Frankie
- Frankie Ortega Trio
- Franklin
- Franz
- Franz & Kilar
- Franz & North
- Franz Joseph
- Franz von
- Freberg
- Fred
- Fred & Fielding
- Fred & Wright
- Fred & Wright Rayburn
- Fred et al.
- Frederic
- Frederick
- Frederick & Lerner
- Frederik
- Fredric Ensign
- Freedman
- Freeman
- Freese
- Friday
- Fried
- Fried & Dunlap
- Friedhofer
- Fritz
- Frizzell
- Froese
- Frontiere
- Fumio
- Fung
- Funicello
- Furst
- G &M
- Gabriel
- Gabriel & Moucha
- Gabriel & Underworld
- Gabriel & Various
- Gagne
- Gaigne
- Gail
- Gainsbourg
- Gale
- Galperine
- Galt
- Garcia
- Gardner
- Gardot
- Gareth
- Garland
- Garrett
- Garry
- Garth
- Gary
- Gary & Gallo
- Gary & Magnet
- Gary & Various
- Gary Lewis & The Playboys
- Gaslini
- Gateway Singers
- Gato
- Gavin
- Gavin & Seezer
- Gaye
- Geissman
- Gene
- Gene & Mercer
- Geoff
- Geoff & Neely
- Geoff & Ronson
- Geoff & Walker
- Geoffrey
- Georg Solti
- George
- George (Craig Leon cond. Berlin Music Ensemble)
- George & Bernstein
- George & Fried
- George & Green
- George & Gwangwa
- George & Ira
- George & Kaplan
- George & Mancini
- George & Reeder
- George & Various
- George et al.
- George Frideric
- George S.
- Georges
- Georges & Bennett
- Georges & Colombier
- Georges & Legrand
- Gerald
- Gerald & Morris
- Gerald & Various
- Gerard
- Gerhardt
- Germaine
- Germán
- Gernot
- Gerrard
- Gerrard & Bourke
- Gerrard and De Francisci
- Gerry
- Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Baker
- Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Getz
- Gerry Mulligan Quartet; Jackson
- Gershoni
- Gershwin
- Gert
- Gertz
- Getz
- Giacchino
- Giacco
- Giacomo
- Gian Carlo
- Gianni
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gielgud
- Gil
- Gil Evans Orchestra
- Gil-Curiel
- Giles
- Gillespie
- Gillian
- Gillioz
- Gimarc
- Ginastera
- Gioachino
- Giona
- Giorgio
- Giorgio & Doldinger
- Giovanni
- Giuseppe
- Gizzi
- Glasgow
- Glass
- Glasser
- Glazunov
- Gleason
- Glen
- Glen & Irglova
- Glenn
- Glenn Miller and His Orchestra
- Glennie-Smith
- Gliere
- Gliniak
- Glinka
- Goblin
- Gold
- Goldenberg
- Goldenthal
- Goldenthal & Clapton/Perf. Hauser et al.
- Goldenthall
- Goldmark
- Goldsmith
- Goldsmith Jerry
- Goldstein
- Goldwasser
- Golijov
- Gonzalez
- Goodman
- Goodwin
- Goraguer
- Goran
- Goransson
- Gorbman
- Gordon
- Gordon & Tate
- Gordon & Tognetti
- Gordon/Gerrard
- Gore
- Gorecki
- Gottfried & Strobel
- Gould
- Gounod
- Gouriet
- Grable
- Graeme
- Graeme & Various
- Graham
- Grainer
- Granata
- Grant
- Grappelli
- Gray
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greene
- Greenwood
- Greg
- Gregg & Brisebois
- Gregg & Kanegiser
- Gregory
- Gregson-Williams
- Grein
- Grieg
- Griffin
- Griffiths
- Grizzly Bear
- Groban
- Grofé
- Grofé & Gershwin
- Gross
- Groupé
- Grover
- Grudeff
- Grusin
- Grusin & Ellington
- Grusin & Gershwin
- Gruska
- Guaraldi
- Gudnadóttir
- Guenther
- Guerra
- Guido & Maurizio
- Guiseppe
- Gunning
- Guo
- Gustav
- Gustavo
- Gustavo & Soderqvist
- Gustavo & Various
- Guterman
- Guthrie
- Guttman
- Guy
- György
- H Stephen
- H. Scott
- H.B.
- Hadjidakis
- Hadjinassios
- Hagen
- Hahn
- Haim
- Haim & Levi
- Hamlisch
- Hammer
- Hanan
- Hancock
- Handel
- Hanna
- Hans
- Hans & Balfe
- Hans & Broughton
- Hans & Buttolph
- Hans & Dessau
- Hans & Gregson-Williams
- Hans & Harvey
- Hans & Howard
- Hans & John
- Hans & Junkie XL
- Hans & Lisa Gerrard & Lorne Balfe
- Hans & Lohner & Tillman
- Hans & Magnificent Six
- Hans & Mann/Weil
- Hans & Mazzaro
- Hans & Pereira
- Hans & Powell
- Hans & Skinner
- Hans & The Jigs
- Hans & Various
- Hans & Wallfisch
- Hans J.
- Hans J. & Dessau
- Hans J. & Skinner
- Hansard
- Hanson
- Harald
- Harald & Wander
- Harbison
- Hardy
- Harlen
- Harline
- Harnell
- Harold
- Harold & Various
- Harold & Various Artists
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harry
- Harry & Buckley
- Harry & Mollin
- Harry & Powell
- Harry & Various
- Harry et al.
- Hart
- Hartley
- Harvey
- Haslinger
- Hatari!
- Hawkshaw
- Hawley
- Hayazaka
- Hayden
- Haydn
- Hayes
- Haygood
- Hazard
- Heap
- Heath
- Heather
- Hector
- Hedden
- Heffes
- Hefti
- Heil
- Heinz
- Heitor
- Heitor & Various
- Helms
- Helmut
- Hendricks
- Heneker
- Hennie
- Henry
- Henry (subject of book)
- Henry (subject)
- Henry & Galway
- Henry & Lees
- Henry & Lewis
- Henry & Margeson
- Henry & Strouse
- Henry & Various
- Henry and his Orchestra
- Henry Mancini and his Orchestra
- Henry Mancini and his Orchestra and Chorus
- Henryk
- Hepker
- Herb
- Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass
- Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass
- Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass
- Herbert
- Herbert & songs
- Herbert & Various
- Herbert et al.
- Herbert von Karajan
- Herbie
- Herbie; Corea
- Herman
- Herman et al.
- Herrmann
- Hicks
- Higham
- Highman
- Hilary
- Hildur
- Hill & Range
- Hinchliffe
- Hindemith
- Hindman
- Hirschfelder
- Hisaishi
- HJ & M. van Wouw
- Hnenry; Pavarotti
- Ho
- Hodgson
- Hoenig
- Hoiby
- Holdridge
- Holiday
- Holkenberg
- Hollander
- Hollis
- Holmes
- Holst
- Homes
- Homrich
- Honegger
- Honor Society
- Hooper
- Hopkins
- Horne
- Horner
- Horowitz
- Hovhaness
- Howard
- Howard & Cribbins
- Howard & Goodwin
- Howard & Jones
- Howard & Metric
- Howard & Rice
- Howard & Various
- Howard & Young
- Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars
- Howarth
- Hoyt & Various
- Huber
- Hugo
- Hugo (subject of book)
- Hugo & Bernstein
- Hugo & DeVol
- Hugo & Newman
- Hugo & Rose
- Hulick
- Hull
- Hummie
- Hunt
- Huntley
- Huppertz
- Hurwitz
- Hutton
- Huxley
- Hyldgaard
- Hyman
- Iain
- Ian
- Ian & Broughton
- Ibert
- Ifukube
- Iglesias
- Igor
- Igor & Hoffert
- Ikeno
- Il Divo
- Ilan
- Ildebrando
- Ilfman
- Immel
- Imogen
- In Harm's Way
- Inon
- Ira
- Irene
- Irving
- Irving & Newman
- Irwin
- Isaac
- Isaacs
- Isaak
- Isbin
- Isham
- Itamar
- Itzhak
- Itzhak; Previn
- Ives
- iZler
- J. Blake
- J. Peter
- J.A.C.
- J.A.C. Redford & Various
- J.J.
- J.J. & Frontiere
- J.S.
- Jablonsky
- Jack
- Jack (polka band)
- Jackie
- Jackman
- Jackson
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jaeil
- James
- James (ed.)
- James & Franglen
- James & Lennertz
- James & Neumeyer
- James & Various
- James Galway
- James Horner
- James L
- James L & Wright
- James L.
- James Newton
- James Newton & Eidelman
- James Newton & Kenny G.
- James Newton & Kernis & Tovey
- James Newton & Various
- James Newton & Zimmer
- James V. & Gillespie
- James Wesley
- Jan
- Jan A.P.
- Janine & Golan
- Janis
- Jansen
- Jarre
- Jarrett
- Jasha
- Jason
- Jason and the Argonauts
- Jastfelder
- Javier
- Jay
- Jay & Kramer
- Jay and Dougherty
- Jay Barnes
- Jay et al.
- Jazz Modes
- Jean
- Jean-Claude
- Jean-Michel
- Jean-Yves
- Jeanine
- Jeanne Eagels
- Jeff
- Jeff (producer)
- Jeff & Danna
- Jeff & Isham
- Jeff & Khechog
- Jeff & Milner
- Jeff & Various
- Jeff & Yamaoka
- Jehan
- Jenkins
- Jennie
- Jennifer
- Jenson
- Jeongwon & Gilman